Continuing with trying to draw every day.... I'm not even close. Especially around Xmas time. We've got 2 kids both under 3, and two full time working parents, so by the time they're in bed I don't always have the energy. Lunchtimes can be fruitful though!
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I've done a few more of these in recent weeks. This time around I tried to stop thinking three dimensionally and try to be much more focused on interesting/appealing 2D shapes. All but the sheep were from reference. The sheep... well you can probably see that my toddler and I watch a lot of Shawn the Sheep at the moment :D.
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Paying attention only to creating correctly proportioned shapes rather than "trying to draw a portrait" felt weird and interesting. The result is fairly horrible but I'm actually surprised at how much like a face it looks, considering I really wasn't thinking in that way while doing him. Definitely need to give this several more tries before moving on.
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Vera Robson
I had amazing images in my mind that I would create, but these ended up looking so ugly! I guess that is why I am taking this course 🤣
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Hey Vera- I don't think they look ugly at all, but I don't think you've fully followed the assignment. You're supposed to be simplifying these down to no more than 10 simple shapes. I think you're still just trying to "draw" the animals using your usual skills, from observation. This assignment is (I think) much more about learning to design, using shape.
I've completely failed at this challenge, but I've still been failing forward, lol.
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James Anderson
I think I need another go round on these. Trying to copy the subject matter too much. Maybe I need to go for a more “cartoony” feel to get the shapes as simple as possible. I still like some of these though. I’m starting to see how these shape decisions really make a difference with the emotions of the image.
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that's a great solution to the hippo
Here we go! I really struggled with the hippo but in the end I think he was the most successful. I'm now going to watch the critiques and go back and do the 5 or 10 extras. I've included my preliminary sketches and ideation in black. The finished pieces are the red ones.
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I really struggled with this one. I kept on pitching at it but never felt like I was doing a good job of replicating someone else's lines. The Karl Kosinski one at the end is unfinished- I tried using a brush pen and ran out of ink!
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I really felt like I was stabbing in the dark with this one. I also wondered if creating a gradient with the side of the pencil for the shadows wasn't cheating (borderline shading...).
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I am happy to see others posting stuff here. I was a bit slacking with observational drawings. But anyway here is some. I have noticed that it is very hard to keep this habit if I am not going outside regularly. If I stay at home and work-work-work, my sketching does kaput.
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I really get a sense of the depth of that glass on the oil lamp- great job.
And here’s day 4 (but only page 3. I found an old fountain pen and thought I would try sketching with it.
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With two kids under three and both my wife and I working full time consistency isn't something I'm great at, for now. I missed day 2 and yesterday was day 3... working on something for day 4 too but h've got half a page so far. Anyway, here's 3 (mostly from imagination rather than observation, obviously):
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I did the hand twice as I messed up the finger proportions quite badly. Not that happy with either of them to be honest! I found the penguin the easiest by far.
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Here is my attempt at portrait
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Good effort! I think you need to think more clearly about dividing the portrait into the light and dark portions. Only then, once you have that blocked in, should you think about sub-dividing them into first and second shadow, half tones and highlights. To summarise- you're using similar values on the left and right side of the face, but if you look at the reference the right side is much darker- squint and you can see there is a big block of shadow on the right and a big block of light shades on the left. Block those in as large groups- then think about breaking them up into smaller shapes. I think if you try to think in big groups first you might find you get the proportions more accurate too.
Bart Dirks
A3 with 2mm pencils 6b-4b-2b-hb
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I think it's pretty good! You've missed the shadows on the right side of his lips though, which flattens the portrait and spoils the 3D effect somewhat.
Here we go! Day 1. These were all sketches from photos I found online.
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I did the snail nearly 2 weeks ago but It took me quite a while to get to these boots (definitely intimidated by the shoe laces!).
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Sean Hennigar
First and second attempts.
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I like it! Interesting shapes in the first one. I think you need to spread out your values more- the darks are too close to the light values. I’m particular you’ve got a plane change along the centre right of the first pear and I can’t see any value difference between the left and right plane.
Snail done, before watching the demo. I’ll do the boot before watching f that demo too but it looks far more complicated and time consuming! im not that happy with the snail. In particular I realise I added detail lines where I should only have been drawing contours. I think it was to help sell the three dimensionality of the subject when my line work isn’t good enough to do that alone
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Asked for help
Not much to say here. I found this fun but I’m really not getting these very accurate. I cheated a few times and went over the chaotic lines carefully
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