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Max Franken
added comment inNeck Assignment Example 3
I have a question regarding this assignment. It’s regarding the larger tubular muscle right next to the sternal part of the sternocleidomastoid. I’m not sure if it’s the clavicular portion op the sternocleidomastoid or if it’s one of the scalenes (medius, or even anterior).
To me it looks too much lateral (and shaped tubular) to be the clavicular portion of the SCM. It looks like stan is also indicating it to be the scalene and not the SCM, because in between the two there is a very light indication of what appears to be the clavicular part of the SCM.

Hi Max
I believe it's the clavicular portion of the SCM muscle, because it attaches to the medial third of the clavicle. Also, Stan draws 3 muscles between the SCM and the trapezius. From what we learnt from previous lessons, they are (top to bottom) the splenius capitis, the erector spinae, and the scalenus medius.
You can watch Stan draw the scalenus medius on 6:53.
I believe the lateral side of the clavicular portion seems like a tube, because it stretches more than the medial side.
Good luck in your anatomy studies.
Max Franken
Hello everyone :)!
My first post on the proko site!
I would like to have some feedback on my drawing. Specifically i would love to have critiques on the shading (it took me a long time and was struggling through it) and anatomy. Any other critiques or tips and tricks are of course welcome.
Thank you very much!
Hi Max! Beautiful drawing! Very controlled shading. I would push the concept of lighting losing strength as it moves down the subject. So here the light would hit stronger on the shoulders and by the time it hit the lower back the power of the light has diminished and so light isn't as bright. That may add more depth to the drawing. Personally I'd add in some texture or hatching in the core shadow and where it meets the light to give some variation of feeling with the forms. May be that is just personal preference. Great work!