Tom Donovan
Tom Donovan
Student, Draftsman fanboy
Tom Donovan
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Tom Donovan
First, Thanks everyone it really helps getting all the comments and feedback. It keeps the fire burning. Second, 30 seconds felt ridiculously fast. I recognised I waste some time by not doing those longer strokes and I was able to 'push' my mental snapshot to use a longer line. I think it tightened up my drawing and there was generally a sense of less mess. Thanks Dan and Joakim. Im gonna do some larger stuff as the day gets on but thought I'd share and say thankyou. Keep up the good work everyone- Thankyou. Oh - I tried to include more feet Izak.
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Hi, I just signed up for this program and so I'm new to this, but your quick gesture studies convey a lot of motion/emotion with economy. They looks great. you nailed it!
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou for the kind words.
Antti Kallinen
Really cool, gestural and also explains the figure really well. Dont have any critique to offer :D Maybe the last from the top row is quite messy?
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Tom Donovan
thankyou :) it all helps.
Account deleted
These look awesome and I love how flowing and dynamic they feel. I don't have any critique for them, but you could perhaps try to simplifying them a bit, using less detail around the contour of the figure and instead trying push for longer strokes that describe the overall movement of the pose (not saying these drawings don't) and then see what happens. Perhaps you could also consider working bigger? There's nothing wrong with drawing in a smaller format, but going bigger gives you more room for using your arm and shoulder which is pretty nice for drawing gestures :) Keep up the good work!
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou :), yeah, i've just started another sketchbook with larger studies. changes the game for sure :) im gonna try some 30'secs get that flow happening.
Gabriel Benatar
Great job. The gesture is perfect. So dynamics.
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou :)
Dan B
Definitely get the 'going through the motions' feeling a lot. Generally when I'm lacking bigger 'goals' and end up practicing for its own sake. It's a rollercoaster :p Great gestures, proportions and shape/light demonstration is really strong. For these, I would be interested to see your shorter gesture drawings (i.e. 30 secs - 1 min) as a lot of these have a lot of 'shapes' but not clear gesture in terms of long lines/energy. See how clearly you can represent the pose in as few lines as possible. Then exaggerate a bit, push the poses, that's always a good way to find out problem areas and also make them a bit more exciting to do.
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou, I will. I do 60's, but Its been a quite a while since I tried some 30secs.
Izak van Langevelde
Looking great, just make sure to include feet!
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou, yes, feet are a struggle still ahah
Tom Donovan
Hey everyone, so I am tired of studying in a vacuum. If someone could please critique the crap out of these - that would be awesome (pleasepleaseplease). 2 min poses. Gesture/figure studies. Side note **Do you ever find you're just going through the motions as opposed to feeling alive and interested in what you are drawing? This post is an attempt to keep the "awake and intentional" study part of my brain sharp.?**
Hi there, I just started the courses and these are a few of my 2 min gesture drawings. I am unsure of what I’m doing wrong or right. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
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Tom Donovan
*I am a student so please take or leave my advice as you see fit* I think these are quite good. Nice long fluid lines in some of them, some you are 'petting' I think for me it helps when I try to be 'intentional with my lines. Gesture for me is a bit of balance between intentional stroke and 'feeling' the energy of the pose. Keep going, well done.
Lane Brown
Here's a new portrait drawn with Pastel Pro Pack! I tend to do roughly 70% of a drawing using one or two of the pencil brushes (at the top of the brush list), then finish with broad, heavy texture, strokes from the other brushes. Much of the process is about controlling edges and value contrast. I talk a good bit about my process, including how I set up my iPad for efficient drawing, in this live demo on the Proko channel:
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Tom Donovan
Had a go with them today, only used the first one - but loving it. Gonna re watch the video as well, thanks for the little pockets of wisdom Mr Lane.
Tom Donovan
Hey, my name is Tom. Im 31, I live in Perth Australia, just want a portfolio thats good enough to land a few freelance gigs - Im working towards Illustration for Children's Books as well as Cover Splash Art/Comic Book/Concept Awesomodes. I LOVE Figure Art and depicting epic battle scenes would be the dream.
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Tom Donovan
Some of my Fave artists are: Ryan Woodward, Mauro Belfiore, Waldermar Kazak, Finch, Aaron Blaise, Bridgman, Marco Bucci. Proko, Lane, Ionic - Oh man so many. But I wanna do shit like Belfiore and Kazak as well as um Karl Koplinski just epic battle beast stuff with some deadly feminines.
Procreate is $9.99 on the app store and they've given me constant updates and new features...this is $22. The price is out of touch with reality.
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Tom Donovan
I think its worth it, they really are quality brushes (better than the ones I make currently) as well as the brush pack you get nifty little video demo's - like just support an artist, you're helping grow someone's value of themselves, if they're an educator they probably could do with the coin to keep the dream alive. I dunno' just my 2cents. I think they're nifty, I dont have a huge collection of brushes but I think these are quality, also his FREE demo is excellent. What is your time worth to you? It probably is a couple hours work here?? (brush creation, video content, internet connection, software for recording, rent, blah blah) I dunno, support an artist.
Dan B
Day 11 Oof, today was tough. Got five done though. Started late, felt rushed, didn't measure things well, worked on detail more than shapes. I do like playing with unfamiliar brushes as it makes me simplify again and gets me to loosen up a bit. I feel I started well today with the first two, but didn't do well with the physical media. I've surprised myself that I've been able to get all of these out on the first go, aside one. I thought I'd be screwing up a lot of them and doing re-do's.
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Tom Donovan
51 + 52 Quality. Really dig those.
Tom Donovan
Hey Dan, Im new to critique so bare with me. You're off to a great start - couple of things I could recommend here: squint your eyes and make your marks based off values (shadows vs light). Use GOOD reference I cannot stress this enough, some photos have lighting that makes it difficult to study. No.4 is looking good you can see a nice shadow form on the side of the head. Use photos with clearly defined light source will make this challenge a whole lot easier. Learn some basic structure, learn about the zygomatic, glabella, get some generall landmark lines which I've seen you do in no.3 Nice! keep them light a great method to help with these marks is Riley Rythms (if you google Riley Rythms Head or something you should find plenty of videos that outline the Riley Method). Also Loomis's Book Drawing Head Hands and Feet (I think thats the title) shows a great method of drawing a ball cutting the sides off and placing a few lines for land marks. EDIT: I didnt see you're other posts until just then - sorry ahah I realise this is old and you've already improved.
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Demetrio Cran
I believe that you can always critique if you use the proper level of confidence in your affirmations. You can share your thoughts but without making strong affirmations. For instance, you can say, "the legs seem long to me, but maybe that was a stylistic choice of yours, it does not look bad, but you tried to make them shorter? I believe that it would look cool!". On the other hand, you can always say how the piece makes you feel, and you could never be wrong on that. By the way, your drawings look clear to me; that is the most important part of line quality, right? Beautiful mark-making is an advanced skill that we are always improving, I think. Maybe you can record your drawing session on video and watch you draw later, paying attention to your movements.
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Tom Donovan
Thanks Demetrio, From what everyone has been saying i think that if I see a post and I maybe have something to offer I'm gonna go for it :) Id not considered recording my session?? Another good idea (this proko platform is awesome). Thankyou
Gabriel Kahn
Hello Tom! Amazing work so far, can't wait to see more :) I don't think that's something you should worry about. Croquis are an amazing way to improve in gesture, especially if you are using more unforgiving instruments, like ink. If you want to imrpove, you are on a good way. Keep up the great work :)
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Tom Donovan
Thankyou Gabriel, I tried croquis a year or so ago and I ended up going to might have another look at croquis ive seen alot of great work from artists on Instagram using croquis :)
Ankita Sri S P
Wow!! These sketches are simply wonderful!!!
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Tom Donovan
Why thankyou Ankita
Mia le Roux
Hi there! Also new, but also want to be more involved :D these are STUNNING and honestly...I'm a bigger fan of loose sketches, especially ink sketches. Something about ink is just so lovely to me. But if you do want advise on cleaner line work, a tip I received from my tattoo mentor is to use the thinnest possible micron (0.003 is the thinnest I've seen) and ink your work with it to help improve line stability. If that makes sense? so maybe to practice clean line work, line over old pencil sketches as another layer of practice :) I hope that's useful - I kind of have to practice that since I want to be a tattoo artist :).
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Tom Donovan
Fantastic Idea "as another LAYER of practice". Thankyou :) Imma try this too
Izak van Langevelde
Loose sketches have a quality by themselves, but if you want to work towards cleaner lines, I recommend, in particular the first lessons. And, no, the purpose of these exercises is not to draw a box, but to improve eye-hand coordination for drawing.
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Tom Donovan
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