James Sunderland
James Sunderland
James Sunderland
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Hey everyone, I just started the Drawing Basics course. I'm posting my first assignment. I did this drawing before watching the demo. I'm trying to develop my eye for seeing light and shadows. I find that the most tricky. I'm also trying to free up a bit when I draw. I'm looking forward to the process, I'm going out to get some softer pencils today.
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James Sunderland
Very jelly of those clean lines!
James Sunderland
I bought the figures drawing fundamentals course a fat 3 years and unfortunately, did stop at certain point with it because it was very confusing to me and I was getting very frustrated😔 BUT now I came back! And eager to learn some basic first! So here I am. I decided to do both level 1 and 2 because ehhhhhh why not? Used a HB 3.0 mechanical pencil for the drawings Level 1: so after I did the contour and shadow, I was kinda having a hard time deciding what was a dark shadow, and what was a light shadow. So I made a guess and kinda just placed it where it felt right. Then when I got to the light shading part, I didn't add the 3 volumes liked asked, I did the highlight and then.... well just kinda felt like I did whatever on the out side of highlight. Not sure if I was having difficulties because it was very round or because the apple it self was kinda a dark color but there you have it. Level 2: (was drawn before I looked at proko example) veeeeerry difficult for me to find the shapes within the face, a lot of uncertainty and guessing. And when it came to the facial features like the nose, mouth and eyes. I REALLY had no clue what to even put down as a shadow, light shadow. you can really see at the lips that it's a really mess right there and that I kinda gave up. The only thing I knew for certain is that right side of the face is very dark. But I kinda completely threw the idea of volume out window here. I never posted my drawing on the figures fundamentals course cause they just looked so bad to me that I just hated the idea of some one looking at it 😔 BUT NOT THIS TIME! I desperately need some qritics here! Thank you if you read all this and if you are a fellow student, then I wish SUCCESS for you!
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