Jeremy Vickery
Jeremy Vickery
Jeremy teaches Light and Color and has worked for over 25 years in the animation, film and games industry, most notably at Pixar Animation Studios
Martin Vrkljan
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Well, layers and blenders definitely helped a lot here! The nuances and the reflections on the glass sphere were a fun time sink, ha! You can really get lost in the detail.
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Jeremy Vickery
These are looking really great! Yes, I love getting lost in the subtle details too
Wolf, bear and beaver.
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Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done!
Chi-chi has finally achieved her dream of flying among other birds.
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Jeremy Vickery
I love it! So imaginative
Aiba Miller
Still got a lot to work on with composition and all that, but this was nice to get scribbled out, I've barely drawn animals ever, so it was interesting. Hope we colour them down the line. Asian Vine Snake Walrus Red Fox ALSO OWL! I didn't write that on there.
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Jeremy Vickery
So very cool!
Wooti An
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Jeremy Vickery
This is amazing!
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Jeremy Vickery
So cute! I love it
mostafa deif
Bat-owl-chimp or the bat chimpowl 😆
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Jeremy Vickery
That's so cool! Would hate to see one of those in a dark forest
Linus Lehmann
A mixture of a tiger and a fox.
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Jeremy Vickery
I love this!
Arman Jucutan
I used a randomizer and this creature is a mix of a squirrel, dugong, and a mynah bird!
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Jeremy Vickery
Wild! So fun!
mostafa deif
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Jeremy Vickery
Again, great work!
mostafa deif
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Jeremy Vickery
Very nicely done!
mostafa deif
Asked for help
some feedback would be really appreciated
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Jeremy Vickery
You matched these very well. If you want more subtlety look at the values of the darks on the green cylinder and the hue/value of the triangle to the farthest right. Keep making awesomeness!
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This was fun.
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Jeremy Vickery
Ooo very nice!
Kyle Haschke
Here’s mine! Excited to see everyone’s progress through the weeks!
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Jeremy Vickery
Wonderfully done! Nice work Kyle
Color picked to focus more on making it more painterly.
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Jeremy Vickery
These look nice. It will be great to train your eye not to color pick in the future so you can learn to spot colors naturally. It doesn't matter much now when copying digital images, but it will really make more sense when you are drawing from life or from imagination and there is no ability to pick a color
Pamela Dowie
Hi David here is this weeks assignment using Procreate without the colour picker and a different brush to what you had suggested if thats ok.
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Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done! Yes, use any brush you like. The main thing is to get control over soft gradients and sharp edges while learning to see the hues, saturation and value shifts.
Ian Gregory
Hello! This is for this week's assignment on Procreate. Tried not to use the color picker, choosing straight from the color palette. The red ball becomes slightly desaturated. Open for critique.
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Jeremy Vickery
Nice work Ian! Yes, keep practicing finding those colors and values
Arman Jucutan
Hello folks, here is my submission for this week's assignment. Tried to stick to the hour mark so my edges aren't the best but I hope values are ok! Any critique is welcomed :)
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Jeremy Vickery
This looks great! As you move into week 02 it should be easier to get those smooth gradients inside the spheres
1(? hour each. Didn't have much trouble with the first 3 since they were just 1 object (tho they still need some work) but with the last 2 there were parts where I didn't have enough time to do, like the shadows. I think I spent too much time getting the right colors for the last one and the background gradient also took time. Comparing and taking notes is kinda fun
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Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done! One trick that might help is zooming way back and looking to see if your values and colors are corret. Look at the darkest darks and the brightest brights. You're doing great and are so very close on matching these
mostafa deif
Tried the colored ball
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Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done!
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