Jon Tharaldsen
Jon Tharaldsen
Jon Tharaldsen
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Jon Tharaldsen
This is the first time I've attempted to draw something in perspective that wasn't a box!! Great assignment. I've begun to experiment with adding a variety of line quality to my drawings now that I'm getting more confident placing my lines. Any tips/critique? Thanks!
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Jon Tharaldsen
I attempted to draw this arcade as it was being views from inside of the claw machine (inpired by "THE CLAW" in toy story lol). I should've placed the claw lower in the composition and adding some details to the ceiling... but another rep of perspective is complete!!
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Jon Tharaldsen
My attempt at a library. Apparently one with a low selection of books... xD Experimenting with perspective is wayyy harder than it looks, but it's a great experience to begin to "world build!"
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Jon Tharaldsen
A few more, but digitally!
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Jon Tharaldsen
Spent a lot of time practicing before working on the level 2 part of this project. It was super exciting to start drawing humans!!! I can already tell I'll be excited to dive into anatomy in the future... super fun adding in the details.
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Jon Tharaldsen
This was one of my favorite assignments yet! I'm really starting to understand how this course was constructed and how it plays into the bigger picture. I felt like I captured the energy well in some of my drawings and missed the mark on the others. Either way, some good stuff!!
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Jon Tharaldsen
This was a fun challenge that is much harder than it looks!! Had to correct the eyes at least 6 times lol.
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Jon Tharaldsen
Still learning the ropes of drawing digitally. Anyone know of any useful resources that go over drawing digitally?
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Jon Tharaldsen
Wow. This was humbling. I attempted to take it up a notch by studying Albrecht Durer. I love the way he uses line to create volume. It was very challenging for me to attempt this at the skill level I'm at with line.
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Jon Tharaldsen
Glen Keane Master Study. I thought his sketches were a great place for me to begin. My focus was to produce long, loose lines. I was using a graphite pencil and was experimenting with different ways to create tapered strokes.
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Jon Tharaldsen
I could clean up the line work more, but it's been eye-opening to look at a drawing as a series of decisions to communicate to the viewer & having this being completely subjective to the artist. Adds an additional level of fun to make an "artist's decision"
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Jon Tharaldsen
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Jon Tharaldsen
My first attempt at drawing from imagination.
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Jon Tharaldsen
I wanted to post the before and after watching the demo versions of my drawings. I'm the perfect example of getting caught in the contours in my first attempt. Onto level 2!
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Jon Tharaldsen
Linework improved drastically. Time for more practice!
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Jon Tharaldsen
The reference, the befores, and the afters. I can already tell this course will be invaluable and I haven't even dove into the coursework yet!
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