Jaime mercado
Jaime mercado
i may not be a complete beginner but i still want to improve at drawing the fundamentals!
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Jaime mercado
i should try drawing some cartoon character too for this,that sounds like fun. nice sketches btw
Jaime mercado
my first and second attempt of the portrait
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Jaime mercado
i drew pear 3,the angle was something i didnt get quite right i think,may try the other 2 pears and the portrait too
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Jaime mercado
I did this one after watching proko's lesson
Jaime mercado
i made a new account to buy the basics course so idk if i posted this already!
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Jaime mercado
i still have a long way to go in all this drawing stuff,this year i wanted to really improve my skills so i started drawing everyday since march and i kept doing it till this day
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Jaime mercado
im looking forward to participate on this course! i will probably return a lot of times to this specific podcast episode in the future when im in doubt
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