Benjamin Roseman
Benjamin Roseman
Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
Studies on the shoulder bone and other
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
All 20 min poses. Throw many knives of critique I welcome them.
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
I realized after the 25 min were up the man's nose was too big and his brow ridge stood out too much.
Do we have to use the references provided or can we find our own ?
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
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Benjamin Roseman
I couldn't really post the photos since the website doesn't want me distributing their models images. However I would love to hear critique on drawings.
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Rob Montgomery
I found this one quite difficult so I did some extra study on some other references. I think females are much harder as the forms are softer and it's harder to define the anatomy without making it feel too hard and angular. Again I was getting carried away rendering faces but its good practice i suppose! Any critique is welcome.
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Benjamin Roseman
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