grant van zevern
grant van zevern
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grant van zevern
This was daunting, but fun. I stressed about it for a while, but then I told myself that I didn't have to finish in one go, broke it down into parts, and just dove in. The artist is Peter De Seve,
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grant van zevern
I found with the lighting drawing, that I had to pay more attention to the taper of the lines, in order to get rounding of forms.
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grant van zevern
I had a tough time with this, I think I got thrown by the fur and trying to keep it to just lines. But I was able to settle down and push/pull some features of the face to come up with some different ideas.
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Laurent Van Acker
Finished the level 1 project in one sitting, I like the assignment, and I really loved drawing the VR girl’s chonky legs! 🤩 What do you think I should focus on to improve? As with the skull from the previous lvl 2 assingment, I’m struggling to get nice line weight variation going instinctively while drawing these more organic subjects.
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grant van zevern
Laurent really nice stuff. maybe try "throwing" the lines more from the shoulder and elbow, that helps me to get the line weight sometimes.
grant van zevern
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grant van zevern
lots of fun with this one. The comic book quality makes for a lot of fun and action like lines, you can feel the energy in the pose just by drawing the lines and arcs
grant van zevern
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I went to the art store today to look for Red / Blue pencils pencils. I found that for pencils available, I could not control the amount of colour, no matter the pressure I applied, on the pencil to the paper, the colour was sort of just deep ! So that made me wonder what pencil manufacturer or colour material is in the pencils that Stan demonstrates with ? When searching for a line, they appear to have a good range of Red between light and dark. Any advise would be appreciated?
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grant van zevern
Look for non photo blue pencils. They are made to not show up in a photocopy, which is why artists use them to start a sketch. They can do the sketch in non photo blue, then line work over and photocopy it to get a cleaned up drawing with just the linework showing up.
grant van zevern
first pass on the penguin. Felt pretty good abt it, but got tangled up on the feet.
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grant van zevern
I felt better about some of the lines and rhythms in this one.
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grant van zevern
I tried to keep this simpler than the boots, and found that I was able to see more rhythms in lines that way.
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