Jonathan Rondon
Jonathan Rondon
United States
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Jonathan Rondon
Asked for help
@Jesper Axelsson Thank you for responding and thank you for your subjections, they really helped, while I don't think I'm proficient at drawing boxes and cylinders, here is what I came up with for the requested exercise. As per my goals: from an early age I’ve have wanted to draw, I love having the ability to bring to life what only exist in your minds and showcase it for others to enjoy what you have already enjoyed. I used to draw as a child, but I never thought that my skills were good enough so I gave it up, and it was until 2020 when by mistake I purchased a book that by its simplistic approach, awaken once more the desire to pursue the development of this skill, and after taking online classes and other methods, it has led me to Proco to further advance this understanding and further my abilities. At the moment I’ve been pursuing realism drawing, at first, because as a child I though it to be impossible for me to do it, and who knows, maybe reach higher limits. I’ve attached also some of the projects I have finished. Thank you!
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Jonathan Rondon
I started to pursue portrait drawing (mainly on my own, through books and online classes) since 2020 and while I'm very grateful of how far my drawings have come, I want to improve the dimmensions and measurements in my drawings, so I've desited to look into the loomis method in order to advance my knowledge of the human skull and perhaps after that, continue learing to become a better artist. I appreciate and welcome any advise. Thank you!
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