faye zhang
faye zhang
living in a training montage like Rocky Balboa
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faye zhang
This was so fun to do! Please give me some feedback on my Loomis heads. At first glance, I can see I got some of the angles wrong. I’ve straightened a lot of them out 😅
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faye zhang
Followed along a Life Drawing class by Royal Academy of Arts: https://www.youtube.com/live/RHbFyW279ME?feature=shared I found that it’s better to find the general lines of motion first, rather than finding the gesture of the torso, separate limbs etc. Very happy with my 25min figure in the last pic :)
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faye zhang
My longest figure drawing ever, it took 10 hours. Still can’t believe I actually did it. Some mistake lines couldn’t be erased completely, so they do show up in some areas. Though I tried to spot my mistakes and correct them in the layin stages, I didn’t notice a glaring mistake in the position of the hips until the rendering stage. I would love to be able to spot more mistakes earlier on, perhaps it gets better with practice. Any critiques would be much appreciated! Thank you Stan for making such a wonderful course, I will definitely miss hearing that catchy intro.
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faye zhang
Rendering was very relaxing. I tried to identify what the shadows were instead of just observing values.
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faye zhang
Having myopia is helpful at this stage because I don’t have to squint much to see the general shadow shapes. I don’t have charcoal powder, so I shaded with graphite pencils and used a kneaded eraser to sculpt some of the lighter areas.
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faye zhang
1st time attempting shadow mapping. Pleasantly surprised by how it turned out.
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faye zhang
5 hours of drawing so far. Unsure of some of the anatomy, especially the placement of the greater trochanter.
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faye zhang
Size is approx 16.5” x 11.7”. I used the height of the head to make a grid, so I can find accurate horizontal and vertical measurements.
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faye zhang
These were really fun, and my shoulder is sore now. For anyone who is new to the overhand grip, please don’t give up like I did years ago. It will feel strange at first, but you’ll be more adjusted after some practice. Your drawings will benefit from having cleaner lines that just flow.
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faye zhang
I put a lot of effort into drawing these eggs. I even enjoyed doing them, compared to years ago when I wasn’t willing to spend sufficient time on them. I also watched Dorian Iten’s video on how to shade an egg.
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