Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
New Zealand
Im 30 years old. Inspired to be an artist
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
OMG Finally I can do my favourite part of the course argh im only on animal gestures moving and just slowly moving to Mike Mattessi but dam this is one of my favorites to learn.
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Hi!! My goals are; 1. To draw a few different types of seals and draw them the same way a few times to get close to accurate gestural poses. 2.The ones with EX next to the gestures are exaggerated a little but still retaining a general accuracy. 3. The last 2 pages are from Imagination. Very loose and sketchy mess, trying hard to tune the brain in capturing and remembering what was there. Hard Work! This was paying attention to the critique section and trying to do it the right way. But only feedback will truly tell me otherwise Thank you all
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
(Level1)Hey guys. All done from Proko Seal Ref folder. Hope these are okay. I couldn't stop drawing these for hours and hours have more to come on the Demo version. Enjoy!
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Raul Lopez
I was like 2 hour doing this, I mess up a lot at the beginning
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Nice work. It looks like you follow the assignment using 2D flat shapes and you captured all the facial details and complex shapes into their rightful place. Nice!
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
The Left is Level 1 and the right is level 2.
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Hey guys today I did Elephant. Really enjoying exaggerating these shapes. Man some of them don't even look like Elephants haha! Will post another when I can get time. Cheers
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Wow after Lines and a few Shape lessons. I have finally reached the hardest part of the skill and the most tedious and time consuming skill required. Im so happy I made it this far. But I am very fearful already this is one of the most complicated habit I need to acquire. Here it goes :)
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Hi there guys. I pretty much went back and redid my shapes again using some same old reference images. Hopefully this time I showed more clarity in my shape design and keep it somewhat accurrate. Hopefully this time I was understanding Proko assignment, keeping it simple shapes only.
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Lenserd martell
it's fun but it's hard
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Love your confident line using the wacom tablet or other tablets like Ipad etc. I find wacom TOOOOO Smooth and hard to keep the lines together rather than loose all over. But love your designs and the way you stretch them and bend oval shapes. Cool
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
The first set of images after the first lot of references are my Level 1 assignment. Concentrating on various shapes and some are slightly exaggerated but not too far as I was focusing more accurately. The 2nd one with the shark shape design was probably the most fun. I thoroughly enjoyed. Spent a few hours on the sharks trying to find interesting shapes and breaking some rules. I will be doing 1 or 2 more animals with new shape design, hopefully tomorrow if I get time. I can't wait :)
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Frank Frazetta is my MS. This time I am trying to capture more of his loose curve lines and less straights. Trying to feel his flow and his confidence able to let loose with his strokes. I also like the way he uses darks in small tiny areas to give the viewer the eyes and face as the focus but some darks scattered around other areas to give balance. The Face hair flicks were extremely hard. Just recently bought Charcoal getting shipped here in a few days hopefully that would ease my flicks and taper lines better. The pencil is great too but i always hold it on the side when I draw most lines if you wanted to know Critics. Thanks guys
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Master Studies already damn! One of the hardest things I have ever approached in my life. The Stamina and the sore back recovery sitting with my Easel is a work in progress. Really enjoyed trying to capture Frank Frazetta Loose style. But to feel his natural fluidity and flowness in his curves is what I am trying to aim for. This will definitely takes years to practice. I am really eager to push through and get to shapes because a lot of these studies require understanding form, anatomy, shapes and shading. I gave it a go anyhow. Frank Frazetta is my MS.
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Divya Kumar
Master studies are something that I've thought about multiple times but have never had the courage to execute. I usually give up before even starting. I procrastinate it for days and then i begin to think why am I wasting so much time on this. So, i end up switching to another reference. How do you get over the initial fear of starting a sketch? With a reference as complicated as this one, it gets very daunting. My mind says, how can 'I' approach something which is this masterfully executed with the extremely limited skill set i have. I just don't understand where to begin. Even if i think about simplifying, there are too many things to be thinking about. Like with this one, i would have been confused with either to put down a circle for the cranium or simplify the contour using straight lines like Stan did. I understand that there could be multiple ways of approaching it but there's constantly a fear if what I'm doing is correct or not or why am i even trying to attempt something that is wayy out of my league. I'm sure i can't be the only one. Can someone help?
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem I too am fearful and confused of this master study. I too have said the same thing I haven't got the skill set at all to approach this Frank Frazetta style. I have done a few attempts with massive fails. But Tonight I manage to do a Frank Frazetta life drawing character(doesn't look great). I did have a sneak peak at the beginning of the Demo only to figure out my problems. And wallah! Boom. Stan said practice Lines. Take the lines from the master study and just replicate the lines. That should be doable. Because the master study is actually just C curves, S curves and Straight you can just copy the lines randomly drawn on your page no need to do the master study yet. This builds confidence before you approach your actual study. Also Patrick Bosworth was helpful too. Thats how I did it! I'll be posting mine in 3 days since Im going to try a different Masters.
Art Stark
Submitted for your approval: one VR Girl. Upon initial inspection, a harmless, if somewhat amusing, cartoon. But for one particular, Proko protégé, a portal into… The Twilight Zone.
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
I see you on here alot Art Stark. Following your work inspires me and intrigues me to keep drawing. Great loose sketch and lines.
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
The Left I drew the 2nd time but I did a bit larger on the page because the Straps again frustrate me. And yes the bigger helps me move my line with a more sweep motion. The 2nd drawing was my first so good to compare which was more tackled for Depth and form. I tend to use Shadow and light with this too. Cheers everyone
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
My last 2 project organizing lines were traced over Rhino lines. This one was traced over Rhino Photo It was much harder to Trace over the Photo Image because there are 100's of different shadow and greyscale values and large shadow shapes. I had to figure out what works. Hopefully it works but high possibility it does not work.
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
I just wanna say who ever wrote the High Noon Proko town comic strip. Fascinating Light source and strong contrast in showing where the main focal point is. I wish I can read more of it. Even your puns made absolute sense of our projects. Haha Great stuff. Please finish and show me the rest :P
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Left is Light and Shadow. Right is Hierarchy
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Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Depth and Form quite hard to differentiate between shadow light. I would like to know where am I going wrong. Tried to pull the front part of the shoe closer to the eye and have have the other side further in the distance,
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