Eduardo Hernandez Torres
Eduardo Hernandez Torres
Mexico, San Luis Potosi-
Hello, my name is Eduardo. I'm 18 years old, and I'm a college student that wants improve my drawing skills to become a character concept artist.
Eduardo Hernandez Torres
1 min bean assignment. I decided to do the beans in 1 min because I really wanted to analyze the gesture of the bean in each pose. Any feedback is welcome : 3
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Eduardo Hernandez Torres
It's been a while since I did gesture drawings (since the first time I posted this assignment so yea x,d). So these are 1 min gesture drawings to get back on the mood of figure drawing and I would like to recieve some critique from these gesture drawings to see what can I improve. I tried to recover the most of the references images that I used in that session.
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Eduardo Hernandez Torres
Hello guys, just started today doing gestures drawings. I just did 1 min gesture drawings because I am beginning with gestures drawings and I also tried to do it as simple as posible to catch the flow of the gesture. So yeah, I would appreciate to recieve feedback from this gestures to see what mistakes I am doing. Thank you.
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