E. A. V.
E. A. V.
al Ramirez
hey guys this is a few pages i try doing for the bean exercise, this is the first time i ever did this is so i kind of mess up in a few places i think but i don't know. I'm going to draw 50 more beans as my new assignment i give to myself feedback is appreciated. PS i try to darken the lines this time so you can actually see it, back in gesture i was use to making my lines as light as possible
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E. A. V.
For a first time your beans are looking good! My initial thoughts are that you should exaggerate the beans more, this may be my ryes playing tricks on me but they all look very similar in pose and exaggeration. My second thought is that it seems like many of your beans are more oval, there is nothing wrong with that but it makes them look a bit flat compared to full, rounded circles. Do with that what you will and keep up the good work, they really do look good and your lines are very neat!
E. A. V.
2 of my practice poses. One of then I did with pen so it ended up a little scratchy. I am still struggling with making the shapes look fluid and 3d so any advice on that is greatly appreciated!
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E. A. V.
My first few Robo beans. I kept forgetting to add the stretch and squash bit and I haven't watched the example video yet but otherwise im happy with how they turned out.
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E. A. V.
Towards the end of this bean practice I started to get a grasp of what i was doing. I still feel I can improve on exaggeration and line quality but things are coming more fluidly now. Any further insights and advice would be appreciated though
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E. A. V.
This is only my second time trying the bean. I feel I struggle with the squash and stretch as well as showing the form and shape. Any critique on these topics or anything else you notice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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E. A. V.
Thank you@Moonless_Sky , @Graciela Hinojosa , and @Mikie. This is all really great advice and I will be sure to implement it all!
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E. A. V.
I love the pose, it really conveys who the character is! I notice how you thinned the lines on shoes and I think that is a great detail, you could vary the outer lines even more but that can also be more of a stylistic choice and not entirely necessary. I'm really excited to see how much you improve zms, it looks great so far.
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E. A. V.
I am a beginner so take my advice with a grain of salt. I would say more line variation would help balance this piece. All of the lines I see are incredibly heavy and dark and the details seem to get lost in this, I end up not knowing what I am looking at. I do like how solid the pose feels, it seems to go well with the armor and the general idea that the character is giving me. Keep up the great work, I'm curious to see what you do next!
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E. A. V.
I have been working on watercolour painting and I always get to a point where I don't know what to do next. Any advice on how to continue a painting and complete would be appreciated. I am a complete beginner when it comes to this so I am getting stuck.
E. A. V.
I have been working on gesture for the past five days or so. I am still unsure how to draw the forms of the body so I would be interested to know of any artists that you like that I could look at their gestures and emulate some different styles? Any other critiques or advice is also welcome. These are two minute gestures.
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E. A. V.
They are looking great Dan! I would only say try to pay attention to proportion, especially between the nose and the mouth. Those two areas always give me the most trouble. Excited to see how you progress!
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E. A. V.
I think it is normal to feel like you still suck but I think that is really a show of improvement. And I think your gestures are looking well. What you mentioned about your gestures I can see as well. When it comes to line quality I would say you need to pay very close attention to each line you place, don't rush, try ghosting(which is running the pencil above the paper to figure out where you want the line without actually touching the paper). It takes time and I know I still need to improve at line quality as well but I think we can do it! On exaggeration I would agree your gestures do look a bit stiff, I think(and this is just an idea) if you REALLY exaggerated the poses, like almost to a breaking point, it could help you exaggerate your poses because it will show you how to be more fluid with the poses. I hope this was useful advice and if you have any more questions feel free to ask, I will do my best to give advice. I'm excited to see how you improve!
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E. A. V.
Some 30 and 60 second gestures as well as 4,5 and 10 minute gestures. Day 3 of practicing gesture, I am trying to focus on clean lines, proportion and placement but am struggling with them all. Any critique or advice is welcome. I think I may be getting in my head too much so I end up forgetting to pay attention to what I am trying to practice. Thank you for any critique I may receive!
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E. A. V.
I don't have a huge amount of advice but there is one YouTuber I follow who uses Krita, his name is David Revoy, he has multiple tutorials and exampled on his channel if you want to check him out. I hope this helps at all!
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E. A. V.
It is looking great! For critique I would say try to lighten your lines and vary their thicknesses. Fluidity is also something I notice in your reference's sketch while your sketch looks more stiff, exercises that focus on fluidity and line quality could help with that. Drawing with your shoulder can help open up your lines and create a more fluid look, if you are drawing very small using your forearm rather than your shoulder can also work and avoid using your wrist except for small details. Other than those things I would say just your fundamentals could be improved(but couldn't everyone's?😆) In which case I would say working on some of the courses on Proko could really help. Such as the figure drawing course. Keep up the great work Tobias!
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E. A. V.
First Gestures of the Course. 30 and 60 second gestures as well as 3, 5, 6 1/2 and 10 minute gestures. I'm open to critique and advice! The uneven times are from not realizing that I was on to the next timed section. I end up stopping early as well because I have no idea what to do next, though I have only watched the first gesture Video so far so that may be why.
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