Devon D. Yeider
Devon D. Yeider
Kalamazoo, Mi
Aspiring comic creator, cartoonist, artist. Art parents include Mike Mignola, Moebius, Cartoonist Kayfabe, Sienkiewicz, Waterston,BWS, JRJR,GDavis etc
Devon D. Yeider
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Devon D. Yeider
Drawing gesture based on John Buscema's how to draw comics the Marvel way and imagination
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Devon D. Yeider
1st drawing is a copy of Stan's The second is my own, free hand The rest were done with a ruler 🤙🤙
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Devon D. Yeider
I decided to apply this video to a personal drawing instead of only drawing boxes which isn't as fun. I also watched David Finich's how to draw in 1pt perspective (at least the beginning) and intro to perspective I gave myself an hour so I can work on other lessons and projects. If you have any thoughts or feedback (*cough* *cough* @Gannon Beck *cough*) id love to hear it! I certainly got confused and I think I made the ground too low? Idk but better done than perfect!
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Devon D. Yeider
Going back through this section of the course. I shall not fear perspective!
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Carlos Javier Roo Soto
Any advice to improve my line quality, I haven't practice straight lines in a while. How is the perspective working so far.
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Devon D. Yeider
Rewatch the line quality section of the drawing basics course as well as find masters of line and try and copy exactly what they do. Hope that helps!
Devon D. Yeider
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Devon D. Yeider
Not perfect but I really like this exercise!
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Gannon Beck
Because I'm basically twelve, as I look at everyone's assignments, I can't help but think of this.
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Devon D. Yeider
Devon D. Yeider
I feel like I could have done better with my converging lines but i was spending WAY too much time trying to get them perfect. I guess I just need more practice! And starting sloppy with the blob then refining I found WAY more accessible. The perspective section made my brain melt on multiple occasions and I inevitably skipped it I'm hoping what I learn here I can apply to the previous section and vice versa. Thanks as always!
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Devon D. Yeider
A quick shout out to @Gannon Beck for helping me understand converging lines! These boxes are certainly looking better!
Gannon Beck
126th Day of Proko and counting. Some madman (ahem @Devon D. Yeider ) suggested we do 30 second sketches in our drawing Zoom call this morning. It's definitely a workout!
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Devon D. Yeider
Look at all them drawins!
Gannon Beck
125th Day of Proko and Counting. I spent a good part of the evening reviewing the bean lessons in Stan's figure drawing course. When I did my timed figures tonight (5 minutes each) I built them on the bean exercise. The bean parts are in blue.
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Devon D. Yeider
Excited to get to this. Understanding the bean has really helped my understanding of forms in space
Devon D. Yeider
2 min and 5 min sketches @Gannon Beck , @Adam Davis and I get together two to three times a week about 2.5-3 hrs a session. Drawing with a community makes a HUGE difference. Join us sometime!
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Devon D. Yeider
Notes as well as 2 min and 5 min sketches @Gannon Beck , @Adam Davis and I get together two to three times a week about 2.5-3 hrs a session. Drawing with a community makes a HUGE difference. Join us sometime!
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Gannon Beck
I've been focusing on the figure a lot in the last few months and practice gestures almost every day. I've done a good bit of the free version of this course before I purchased the premium version. I've also been focusing on Stan's teachings in the Drawing Basics course where he goes over his rhythms. On top of that, I'm currently taking Michael Hampton's course where he just released a bunch of videos on gesture. It's interesting to see where there is overlap between Stan's approach and Michaels as well as the differences. I've learned the hard way to consult multiple sources and am enjoying all of it. Even if they cover the same information, it helps to hear it explained different ways. Sometimes it takes hearing a concept explained another way in order to fully grasp it. Here are a few two minute studies from this morning. Timed studies are the baseline of my efforts. I post almost daily in the community section if anyone wants to join in:
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Devon D. Yeider
Way to go Gannon!
Devon D. Yeider
Drawing with @Gannon Beck attempted a comic cover exercise Gannon did with his online drawing group recently (check it out!) as well as some figure drawing and other warm up exercises
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Devon D. Yeider
Didn't get much done far as figure work but did some exercises and comic work as well as great convos with @Gannon Beck and @Adam Davis 2 and 5 min sketches
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Gannon Beck
90th Day of Proko and counting. Two and five minute sketches for the first two and the sketch cover was about 45 minutes. I used the Comic Book Poses pack for the sketch cover. Since I do a call every Sunday, we thought it would be fun to cap the session off with a longer pose using sketch covers. Tonight was the first time trying it out. I really like the format of it.
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Devon D. Yeider
that batman cover is really awesome, Gannon. Really well done! I think I'll give this a try!
Devon D. Yeider
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Devon D. Yeider
Second image 1st two drawings I did along with David's video. The rest are from imagination for the most part. Only looking at the 3d reference when I was in trouble. Quite tricky. I think I'm going to try this again drawing the humerus radius and ulna on their own. How those three interact with one another is where I struggled the most.
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