Chris G
Chris G
New Jersey
Must practice till arm falls off...
Chris G
How does this look? Any comments critiques
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Chris G
I decided to an Eagle, but it was harder to draw than I thought. But I had a lot of fun, the Eagle with the glasses is what I came up with imagination.
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Chris G
I finished these and I definitely need more practice with drawing with my shoulder maybe I just need to draw bigger. Overall these were really fun 😊
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Richard Bernard
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Chris G
Oh I like lines here, very good
Chris G
My Penguin drawing I decided to just go with the flow with the lines at top speed, didn't take me long to finish, but my goodness I need to work on those feet.
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Chris G
1st Attempt at the assignment, gotta get good control over my lines and stop focusing on detail.
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Chris G
First time drawing the snail and the boots, overall I could've done better with the boots especially the laces, buts it's something I'll improve upon with practice, any critique or tips would be greatly appreciated 👍
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Chris G
Asked for help
My last bit of mushrooms, gonna keep practicing these it's a lot of fun and I need to practice ghosting more 👻
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Chris G
Asked for help
I drew these while I did arms at the gym, so not too fun for me haha. But I do think I need to practice a bit more with these I feel like I need thought and control which I feel I lack at the moment.
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Chris G
My first attempt at drawing this portrait, had trouble with the shapes a bit but I thought it came out alright, any feed black would be great 😃
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Chris G
My third pear, I tried to make it a little bit more appealing with the values, but I think I've done enough pears for now 😆 a critique would be welcome 🤗
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Jin Wook Han
Hello. It's my first upload my drawing here. I wanted to have a job related with drawing 20 years ago but I lost my confident so I gave up. Even though I'm having a different job, drawing is still my kind of hobby so I want to be good at it. I already had a lot of trying and giving up many times before but I'll try again and be patient to keep going. It was really hard for me to draw lesser dark value and lesser white value. But it was interesting experience. I hope I can get advice about the drawing. Thanks.
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Chris G
Looks great I really like the shading and values :)
Chris G
My Second attempt at drawing a Pear, would love any tips and critiques :D
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Chris G
My first pear, going to try it again feel like I could do better.
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Chris G
Trying to get used to twists and turns, first time doing these types of beans so any critique would be welcome :)
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