carla toms
carla toms
Again, I can see where I need to improve. If you recall (because I know you have a lot of students), I am a total beginner. I know I have parts of the scalp that are caved in a bit, but the clay I’m working with is really hard to work with. I am working with Super Sculpy medium.
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carla toms
Is it okay if i kind of love it? It is super fun to look at
carla toms
Yeah i need to go make an armature but i was so excited i could make a head that looks like a head!
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carla toms
Clearly i need to make a little armature
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carla toms
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carla toms
sculpted along with you
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carla toms
Stop laughing! It’s a torso. A torso. I had a very nice time making it and i think the proportions are okay. I used the little stick to make the belly button.
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carla toms
My favorite one so far
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carla toms
still playing with these
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carla toms
Followed along in real time
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carla toms
Passing an enjoyable afternoon making these
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carla toms
First three pancakes
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Another attempt here. Worms eye view of a generic looking library. I I tried not to use a ruler in some places, but there are other places. I definitely did use a ruler. No reference used. Would like to add complexity and more interesting details in the future.
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carla toms
Warmups for all of them :D
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carla toms
these are fun to look at-- especially the first and last ones
Sukhraj Bhangoo
LOL! So I decided to also do the level 2 drawing even though I am a total beginner. And once I finished I realized my proportions were waaaay off lololol. I mean among the many other mistakes that stood out to me. LMAO
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carla toms
is it okay if i kind of love it? there are a lot of strengths here. You maintained some very consistent tones here. there is a real sense of three dimensionality and solidity. it's expressive-- there is a definite mood here. the shadow shapes in the ear are interesting to look at. i am also certain that you will pay a lot of attention to proportions in your next (and future) drawings and i know that your sense of proportion will improve. but i just wanted to point out that there is a lot to love about this drawing
Jack Mills
I was struggling to progress so I thought I would go back to basics to get better at my fundamentals
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carla toms
there are a lot of really fun shapes in these which make the drawings interesting to look at
Art Padawan3
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carla toms
the drawing has a nice naturalness to it-- especially in the hair, which appears to be still moving just a little
Lenserd martell
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carla toms
holy moley!
carla toms
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carla toms
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carla toms
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