Cal Stanback
Cal Stanback
Raleigh nc
Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
Dang this demo was informative. Thank you for sharing
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Rohit M
Couple of sketches to practice line weights after the demos/master studies
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Cal Stanback
I love your drawings bro
my lvl 1 exercises later gona do the tanks
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Cal Stanback
Oh wow good jobs fam
I’m calling this a level 1,5 project. My son has been building Lego tanks lately so I used those as my inspiration for these images. I’m finding that I am struggling with controlling my line weight. My basic construction lines are ok, but as I get into smaller details, like the ellipses, I start drawing them with dark lines before I have really finalized the shape. This leads to messy erasing. Is this just a beginner thing? I don’t notice this when I am warming up, it seems to happen when I am focusing on a particular shape. It also happened a lot with the hands.
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Cal Stanback
Nice 👍
Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
lol this fast makes me mad I have to redraw it
Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
I used a muscle car as a reference. I am excited to keep growing in perspective. I use to cringe at myself trying to do this on my own thanks Stan for all the good information I really appreciate it. Got a lot more I will upload
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Cal Stanback
Warm up and project 1st attempt plan on doing more in enjoying the boxes in perspective. This use to give me so much trouble.
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Cal Stanback
Just some sketches
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Cal Stanback
first attempt in drawing a living rooming
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Cal Stanback
Asked for help
did a little drawing today. anything I could to make my line quality better or whatever critique is welcome 😌💪
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Cal Stanback
Just because I’m obsessed with the rhythm assignment now I can’t stop drawing these now lol thanks Stan. Also still learning to clean up my lines feel free to critique everyone
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Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
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Cal Stanback
Just wanted to show you guys my second attempt based off the feedback I got from mr Steve Lenze if you scroll down my first attempt was really bad lol I feel like this one is some what better. I going to draw it again in a few for a third attempt to see if im learning for my mistakes
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Cal Stanback
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