Brady Tinker
Brady Tinker
Lacey, WA
Brady Tinker
I am interested to watch the demo. I don't quite understand how to make it look like light and shadow with just the lines. So much to learn!
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Brady Tinker
Need a lot more practice to get confident with the CSI lines.
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Brady Tinker
On to the demo! These are my attempts before the demo. The boots took such a long time and still ended up all wonky. The snail was much faster. My CSI lines weren't very confident but it feels good to finish the project. My wife likes the boot on the right the most.
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Brady Tinker
What a humbling project! The demo makes it look so easy. The demo helped me with getting the values differentiated better than my first attempt (attempt 1 is first photo and second photo is after demo). Good to have stake in the ground to know where I am starting.
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Brady Tinker
Can't wait to see the demo! It was fun and my wife can tell that both drawings are pears.
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