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added comment in4 Weeks to Better Perspective Drawing - Challenge
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Week 2 Drawings

Amber Schwartz
Ohmygod Going Merry!!! Dude I love you! T-T
I was going to draw it too (I mean this is THE pirate ship, right??), but then I gave up not even halfway through the challenge lol. Great drawings!
Asked for help
Super late here! I only managed to do a few days from Week 1, I gave up on the fifth haha. Oh well, I guess it's better than nothing!
Amber Schwartz
And now for the final day! Today I did a few 10-minute sketches first, and then a longer 30-minute sketch. It's my interpretation of the reference, not sure if we were supposed to do exactly that, but oh well haha. All in all, I really enjoyed this challenge! It motivated me to draw more, experiment more and even pick up my tablet again. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with this. Thank you so much, Proko team!
Amber Schwartz
My 15-minute sketches for Day 11. I tried to work on perspective simultaneously. Those ellipses make me mad haha. But maybe, just maybe, I'm getting the hang of it. The more you do something, the more you understand.
Amber Schwartz
This time I went with the watercolor markers first (40 minutes). Really struggled with the colors, racked my brain how to better indicate the shadows. But I think it turned out okay-ish, still had to go over and fix something with some liners. Next I switched to digital again, and well.. 'be creative' they said. So here's the result of my creativity in 2 hours lol
Switched to digital on Day 9. I did only these two, 35 and 45 minutes respectively. Looking at them now I feel like they're two different people haha. Still need to work on the likeness I guess
Amber Schwartz
Really enjoyed this one! Never thought I'd enjoy gesture drawing this much haha. All are 5 minute sketches. Kinda lost my grip with the last one, I still couldn't tell at what point it went wrong haha. Certainly the leg on the left is too short and the pose looks wrong, but I'm not too sure. I was mostly focused on the gesture of the arms so I tuned out everything else it seems. All in all, I love this challenge!
Amber Schwartz
35 minute ballpoint pen sketch on Day 7. Now I can tell the head is way too big, something went wrong with perspective here haha like what's wrong with his arm on the right? Forget about the pose, it totally lost its charm. Anyway, that was fun. Each day there's something completely new to me, like armor here. Also, I imagined those are actual flowers on his chest, not some metal thingies. But I couldn't include it in the drawing since I ran out of time, oh well
Amber Schwartz
Managed to do only one sketch on Day 6, but I spent 1 hour and 15 minutes on it. Almost gave up at the beginning but I persevered. I think that was the moment I fell in love with the process. It's like solving a puzzle! Never did anything like that before, so it was equally challenging and interesting. Don't like the way the torso looks, but I like the legs and that I managed to keep the energy in some parts, like the way the fist is clenched, as well as the other hand. I'm usually really bad at it, so it's a win.
Amber Schwartz
Super late but finally got some time to take pics of my sketches and write something here haha. Here's the two I did for Day 5. First one is 5 minutes and the second is 30 minutes. I'm not doing all that well with quick sketches.. And I seriously messed up perspective in the second one. But oh well, good thing I noticed that! Self-feedback is also valuable