Ash Chung
Ash Chung
Gannon Beck
164th Day of Proko and counting. Two and five minute sketches. My focus started to wane at the end a bit.
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Ash Chung
The line weight of the shadow block-in is making the figure harder to read, esp the male figure on the 6th page. But otherwise, your sketches are great.. such improvement.
Joseph Osley
[Post TWO of TWO] You can't upload more than 20 images to a post so I had to split them up. A competent person would've maybe ordered them correctly, but I have no claim to that adjective. Some of them are way too light. Sorry.
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Ash Chung
My gosh... the level of detail! You can really feel the hair looking at these, its' lightness, heaviness, smooth and textured, you even have wet hair. Very well drawn, quite something to tackle. And of course, one cannot leave out the mullet. Really wonderful work.
Joseph Osley
Here are some gesture drawings from the last few days with a couple random bits at the end.
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Ash Chung
You are so versitile. Love your doodle characters too, they look so interesting.. all looks like they have their individual stories, i find them beautifully weird. And some very nice practices of gesture.
Gannon Beck
133rd Day of Proko and counting. Bean practice this morning, followed by two minute gestures. I'm throwing in progress on one of my current master studies for good measure. This kind of covers the breadth of my studies right now.
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Ash Chung
You draw some real good looking beans too. And thats a great choice of master study, that angle adds a cool dimension to the scene.
Ash Chung
Feel and convey, feel and convey.. think i over-felt. It was my first time to gesture draw with an older model. Doublespeeding the vid amplified his instability during the pose which, to my surprise, got translated into my lines unintentionally. Fascinating, but got a bit freaked out so i did another session with a totally different model to shake that off. i started with 30s w/ these. Still lagging so much after being out of practice for a while. 
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Gannon Beck
130th Day of Proko and counting. 10 second gestures. Okay, this was pretty ridiculous. I found my self laughing a lot as I fumbled through them. Still fun, though.
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Ash Chung
Awesome, Gannon! Now if there was a guiness world record... lol
Joseph Osley
I am having one of the worst drawing weeks of my entire life. My hands are trash. I have essential tremor always but it has been unhinged this week. I am house sitting so I don’t have a scanner and everything is awful. You’ve all been sharing such fantastic work I feel obligated to balance it out with my failure. I’m just struggling. Raving over.
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Ash Chung
If those are the works from shaky hands, then what you think is a curse may be a gift because i think your drawings are great. Even all the doodles you have accompanying the portraits, I really like them. Keep them coming pls :) And actually I can see from your drawings that all the facial feature practices you did is paying off. Kudos to you. I esp like that Day 2, bottom center head, great work on the expression and how you stylized that. And some great practice with the gestural poses too. Also, maybe experiment using brush/ fountain pen, something to emphasize those special lines you’d only get with trembling hands. That may be interesting to explore. Btw, not sure if you’ve heard of Phil Hansen before, if not, his talk titled “Embrace the Shake” is worth checking out, on youtube.
Gannon Beck
128th Day of Proko and counting. Twenty second sketches. This is a bit of an experiment to see how fast I can get a gesture down. When doing urban sketching, where models don't sit still, this is a practical concern. There is tension between how long I can hold the image of a pose in my head and how fast I can get it down before the image evaporates from memory.
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Ash Chung
Yes, i'd love to develop that skill too. Awesome you're pushing yourself like that.
Ash Chung
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Gannon Beck
127th Day of Proko and counting. 100 thirty second sketches.
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Ash Chung
Agree. Feeling the dynamism from these.
Ash Chung
I find that theres something about the belly and the hip that compels me when i'm drawing these female figures
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Ash Chung
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Ash Chung
I meagerness came from all the 30sec practices and got stuck with me.. and i came to like it too :)
Joseph Osley
I drew 100 Ears. This took longer than I intended. I had some real-life stuff(quite the rarity). Enjoyed my time amongst these cavernous cartilages. Trying to improve my shading. Some of the different angles were hard to get. I definitely used up some erasers with these. I think the biggest challenge was the impersonal nature of the subject matter. Other features are evocative but ears, especially the unadorned variety, are not especially emotive. I think that's why I found myself dragging my feet a bit. All in all, plenty to improve upon, but happy with the practice.
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Ash Chung
Wow, awesome work Joseph! You really pay attention to details.. so meticulous, i dont think i have the patience for. And super hatch work. I like the wrinkley ones.. maybe cuz they seem harder to draw, not sure. You made a very interesting point on the relationship with the ears, i've never thought of that before.
Gannon Beck
126th Day of Proko and counting. Some madman (ahem @Devon D. Yeider ) suggested we do 30 second sketches in our drawing Zoom call this morning. It's definitely a workout!
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Ash Chung
30s are great sessions! So stressful and exciting. You got alot down with that time limit, nice work.
Ash Chung
Didnt get as much done today, but lets see how long i can keep this up for...
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Ash Chung
I've been long wanting to develop a style thats me, still alot of work to do there, but to hear someone say that my drawing is distinct is very encouraging to me. I appreciate all the positive feedback. And thats a good reminder, Gannon, that its about forming habit.
I thought I'd try charcoal this week. For some reason I feel much more loose with it but also it's harder to place the lines where I want to. And easier to make a mess ;)
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Ash Chung
I also use charcoal, but in pencil form... and i know the mess
Gannon Beck
30 second quick sketches. You can't lose focus for a second on these.
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Ash Chung
I like how the time restriction had you reduce the neck, torso, pelvis and leg to just one big sweep. Nice.
Ash Chung
Another session.. one thing i realized is that i dont push the gestures enough.
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Ash Chung
Thank you. Yea, i dont think i wouldve been able to make those markings without taking the anatomy course, it helped me tremendously in producing drawings that i can finally be not embarassed about. Before, i would just be searching with my lines. The feedback from you guys have been so encouraging, i really appreciate it. Its too positive, lets do some roasting!
Gannon Beck
123rd Day of Proko and counting. A few two minute drawings tonight. I switched up brushes from the Keane to the Elvgren. It takes a few sessions to get comfortable when using a new brush but I like it.
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Ash Chung
Looks like you do these effortlessly, on ipad? Is it your preference? I find it difficult doing it digitally, i loose so much the quality i get with pencil n papr
Ash Chung
Here's mine for today. Havent done these for long while, restarting slow.
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Ash Chung
i appreciate the feedback guys. Yes, i find that with rendering and quickdraws, its like switching gears but for me- real slow.
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