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I think I haven't used loose sketchy lines enough, because at this point I am mostly concentrated on trying to make things look similar to the original. I feel like I haven't gained enough confidence for loose lines yet. I hope it will be gradually changing.
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Sorry for this! But I'm just starting out and have no idea how to draw a mermaid. I've had a lot of difficulties with the anatomy and finally decided to make her a little monstrous :))))
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Lines are hard! At first, I missed the purpose and did the whole thing in huge lines that were not CSI (the purple drawings). The last one is after I watched the demo and critique. It is frustrating how lines don't get right even after multiple attempts, but seeing even a single confident and nice line in the end is priceless.
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Martin M
Ref pear nr 3. I tried out charcoal to get a darker shadow. But mixing charcoal with graphite didn't go very smoothly. The textures are clearly different and I will take that into consideration in the future. I kind of missed the instruction to only use straight lines during this exercise.
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I love how you used the charcoal here, and the overall result is great! The reason why you feel "it didn't go smoothly" is probably because the next darkest value after the charcoal is too light? if it was a little darker, there wouldn't be such an effect maybe.
First project! First attempt, level 1. Took a real apple instead of the pear reference. It is hard to see the light part in the middle of the apple in the photo, but I think I saw it in reality 🤔
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I’ve always been interested in drawing, since the childhood, but unfortunately never really pursued it. Now it’s the time:) i have three graphite pencils — 2H, B, 8B, and also a bunch of simple colored ones of unknown hardness. I kind of like the 8B pencil the most, at least for now.
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Bracken Hall
Trying this digitally on Procreate! Already noticed it’s very difficult to judge pencil pressure without paper texture feedback.
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Looks nice! I didn't realize it was a digital drawing until I read the description:)
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