Anu V
Anu V
Anu V
See the basic shape, Place the CSIs in relation to each other as much as possible. Confident lines if possible in a single stroke. How does one see the whole and the part at the same time. Not being philosophical, it’s tough to keep it simple. Learning: Confident lines do not mean digging the pencil into the paper. Practise CSI on regular objects.
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Christian Olguin
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Anu V
The boots are great but i love the snail!
Anu V
I had to take a break from snail to Boots. I had to draw around 10 snails to be okay with it while the boots (after a week) is the first one itself. I enjoyed drawing the boots. I was getting a bit overwhelmed by all the things i had to remember. I decided to draw the boots from what i could remember of the instructions and i had fun. It’s not perfect but it was fun.
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Rebecca Shay
The title applies to not just visual art, but everything really.
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Anu V
So true!
The mushroom heads look pretty great! What do you think of the drawing basics course so far?
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Anu V
Thank you! I am really enjoying it. There is a lot of unlearning to be done at my end. I don’t how Stan manages to pack so much into one lesson and then break it down.
Anu V
Hello, I have been doodling ever since i can remember. I never did a formal course thinking it would take the joy out of my amateur scribblings. I used to love drawing but would be sent out of art class in school for asking too many questions. This was ages ago and i had decided that I would not do classes if possible. Cut to discovering the draftsmen and oh, the joy! Two people who don’t take themselves too seriously while they hold themselves to impeccable standards when it comes to their art. I am glad i have joined this course and am taking it very seriously while also exercising and eating well as Stan wisely explained in one of his YT shorts :) As the title of my topic suggests I do think that in taking up a subject as visual arts, the more one learns the less one knows (thank you UB40 for that song) and that it’s up to me to make the most of it. Here, I am hoping to create a community space where we apply our learning’s and help each other outlining our journeys better. Pic: The Mario Mushroom. Looks simple, it so wasn’t :)
Anu V
Mushroom warm ups. Filled up pages. Used colour pencils which broke the monotony. Learning: It helps when the eye follows the movement. Focus but lightly. Would appreciate feedback.
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Anu V
Level 2 portrait - Okay so height, width, construction, tone, patterns..what did i miss. Lots i guess. 5th attempt and i could have done the pattern better. Something i did right around the nose to jaw that made the form better. Unhappy with the pencil pattern. Not consistent enough. Learning: Lines in the shadow are different x angle of the form + shadow x thickness. Hairy lines are horrible. Always check on tones relative to the tones next to it. Stan’s emphasis on half tones. I also added random 2B lines on the check and forehead. Less is more in the last mile.
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Anu V
Redid Pear 3. Stuck to lines. Kept reviewing the lines drawn. Tried to avoid overlap of the 5 tones. Still need to improve on clean lines. Consistency of the pattern needs to improve vastly - Repetition of the same type of lines & lines mirroring the contour to make the shape of the pear. The bottom of the pear is exaggerated.
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Paul Bashkov
So here is my first complete digital drawing of pear using Procreate. The first one is before watching and another one is after. Criticism would be greatly appreciated.
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Anu V
Hi Paul, This is really good. I really like how clean your lines are in the post demo pear.
Anu V
Level 1 Pear 2 & 3. Simplifying is not simple. Blurring lines to cover mistakes. Lines all over the place. Phew! Might be an extremely good idea to pause and review work prior to proceeding. Especially when i find myself blurring my eyes while i draw. Your feedback is welcome. Thank you.
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Anu V
Level 1 Pear. Posting my 3rd attempt on the pear (the middle one is pre-demo). This time i decided on the values prior and fixed where each should go to. The lines too were decided prior. It was easier this time as I was only looking at the shadows. What i traded this focus on was the shape. It’s funny that i fixed it in my mind that it was a fat pear and i ended up exaggerating the shape. Still ended up blurring the shadows cause the more i looked the more gradations i saw. Your critique is welcome. Thank you
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Pre-demo and post-demo. Using procreate.
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Anu V
Hello, I like the detailing in the shadows in the post demo. The lines are straight in them and overall looks really interesting. I have done the project with paper so this is an interesting contrast for me to observe.
Nelson Carmona
reference and post demo attempt. Any feedback is welcome.
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Anu V
Hi Nelson, i think you got the brief to the T. It’s great how you did the tones before on top. Shall remember to do this in my work as well.
Alan Callaghan
Would appreciate feedback! Thank you!
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Anu V
Hi Alan, You figured out the 5 tones! Any tips on how you went about it?
Anu V
Hello, This is my first upload. Would really appreciate your feedback. Pear in the middle is post demo (Pear 1 Level1). Reflection - Simplifying is not easy. And the more i observed the more values I saw. I should have fixed the values before attempting the shading. Think i should try once more after fixing the steps.
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Canyon Braff
This was my first Proko project! I have never drawn anything with strictly straight lines and hard edges, it was really fun and made me think of the subject in a totally different way.. anyways ~ if anyone happens to see this post it would mean so much to receive some critique! Also, I would love to create some community and keep an eye on each others work, too! (this was done before watching Stan's demo)
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Anu V
Hi Canyon, am new here as well. I really like the detail on the shadow. I think your shading really hits the mark.
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