Art Stark
Art Stark
I'm here.
I'm here at Proko so I can eventually focus on 'what' to draw and not on 'how' to draw.
Aaron Smith
Design based on the Transformers G1 Warpath toy. I drew this from imagination, so some of the perspective will be off. I did ink it traditionally, but then realised the drawing was too big for my scanner, so I took the photo of the pencils into Clip Studio Paint and re-inked it. I also changed the position of the arm and pistol. I then added an explosion I'd drawn from a previous project, and coloured the whole piece in CSP.
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Art Stark
I like how, with each iteration, there are improvements. Very impressive. I'd buy this comic!
Gannon Beck
Sketch from this morning of my friend's yard before I started on a road trip.
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Art Stark
Nice composition. The use of light and shadow really draws me into the space.
Patrick Bosworth
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Art Stark
The inking is an inspiration! And I love detailed pencils. This is great poster art. Thanks for posting.
Gannon Beck
Here is a master study of one of Alex Ross's Immortal Hulk covers. Getting my head around this gouache thing.
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Art Stark
Aaron Smith
Little sketch looking across the fields to the village where I walk my dog.
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Art Stark
Quiet, peaceful mood. Very nice.
Gannon Beck
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Art Stark
Way to lift up the mundane! Great design sketch.
Gannon Beck
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Art Stark
Oooh boy! I 'really' like this sketch! There's such expression — but not in a cartoony way. And the simple, confident composition. This could be a small illo in a pulp magazine. Thanks for posting.
Art Stark
Shape #8
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Art Stark
Shape #7
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Art Stark
Shout out to @Patrick Bosworth ! Patrick’s Pentel Pocket Pen & Posca Paint Pen proposal has proven to be positively a practice in pure pleasure! #240528 Brush Pen maiden voyage.
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Art Stark
#240523 Messing around / study drawings. Odd Ends sketchbook. HB Koh-I-Noor lead holder. Some anatomical references and a wandering mind. Hope you don't mind me joining in, but this sketchbook thread looked like fun.
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Art Stark
Asked for help
Mechs Crossing The Desert. Actually, the mechs never showed up. Not yet. I was trying to design them and word on the street was that designing mechs with silhouettes was the thing to do. Has anybody else heard of this rumor? Signed, Searching For Mechs
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Art Stark
This definitely started as an observational study. Honest!
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Gannon Beck
I went to the Virginia Renaissance Faire today and did some sketches.
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Art Stark
Compositions on the fly! Well done.
Art Stark
Baby steps… I'm not up to full-on covers yet, but I did take a big old marker and try and sketch like Frank Miller. Please file this under, "Finished, Not Perfect."
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Gannon Beck
Another sketch from last Saturday. While I'm adding watercolor to the rest of the covers I did, I think this one works best in black and white.
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Art Stark
Gannon Beck
Spider-Men sketch cover.
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Art Stark
Fun gestures!
Gannon Beck
Another recently completed sketch cover. I view these as preliminary sketches. The idea is to get a bunch of them done and develop the best ones. I never know in advance which drawings are going to be my best compositions. By doing a lot, some of them will stand out and it's those that I'll choose do develop. This is one of the prongs in my development. I'm also focusing a lot on studying the figure, drawing from live, and doing master studies to understand gouache and watercolor. Sometime in the fall I want to start putting this all together into original compositions. All this is to say that there is a method to the madness.
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Art Stark
If you're going to go mad, best to have a plan! :P
Gannon Beck
Batman sketch cover.
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Art Stark
I'm a huge Batman fan! And I'm a huge Aparo fan (my favorite Batman and Aquaman artist)! And I have the Death in the Family comic! Great job!
Patrick Bosworth
I grew up reading TMNT comics, and listening to the Grateful Dead. (Things haven’t changed much) When I first was introduced to Heinrich Kley I was blown away to realize my first experience with Kley was actually on the Grateful Dead album cover for Terrapin Station. I had no idea at the time who Kley was, and I always attributed the dancing turtles to Stanley Mouse who designed many of my favorite album covers for The Dead. Thought it would be fun to mash-up a bunch of my favorite things for a comic sketch cover, Kley, TMNT, and The Dead! So here’s Mikey and Donnie (rocking out to Terrapin Station) after Kley. Sketched/inked in Procreate. Can't wait to do some more of these, such a fun project prompt!
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Art Stark
Nice story about the Dead cover art. I'm familiar with Kley, but I've never seen the turtle art. Thanks for posting.
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