Andre Arrache
Andre Arrache
Mexico City
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Hell lipses
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Andre Arrache
this looks like a challenge! way to go!
Boots again. I used pen this time, compare to graphite at my first attempt. Less fluid gesture but more control results.
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Andre Arrache
LOVE the ink sketch!! good fluidity on the lines and I love the contrast it makes with your thin lines (or even ghost lines) on the left to the thicker, heavier lines on the right. Good choices!
Andre Arrache
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Christle Panickar
Here are my attempts for the three referece images. I think I struggled the most with the hand... :l The penguin was probably the most fun to do.
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Andre Arrache
these look good but I think you focused on clean lines and not the sketch lines Stan asked for in the project
Louise Høpfner
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Andre Arrache
neat! you captured the figures with the CSI method he asked for without going into details. Well done.
Andre Arrache
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Hayden Elliott
Here are my pears. Took my brain a moment to adjust to no-curves and trying to heavily simplify the shapes. It's been a long time since I've used pencils, I think I need to work on how to achieve a smooth block of tone. 🍐 Post-it Proko pear is done with a 0.7 Mechanical Pencil 🍐 My pear is done with HB, 2B, 4B Pencils Any critiques or advice welcome!
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Andre Arrache
really nice! I think the second one need to be a little bit more inclined to the right based on the reference. But really clean plane changes, really well simplified, great proportions!
Greetings, everyone! Here are my three pear drawings. I kindly request your critique on them.
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Andre Arrache
I think you need to define your tones more. try not showing the lines, make solid shades instead
Andre Arrache
first assignment done!
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