Athul Krishna
Athul Krishna
Steve Lenze
So, the biggest issue I see with your designs is the lack of dimension and structure. Just because something is cartooned, doesn't mean it doesn't adhere to the same rules of structure (unless it's a very stylized design). I did some sketches to show you what I'm talking about, I hope it helps :)
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Athul Krishna
Thank you, I'll certainly work on it ☺
Athul Krishna
These are some character sketches I did. I gave more emphasis on designing the face, I feel like there's room for improvement ,but i can't get my finger on it
Steve Lenze
Hey Athul Krishna, Sorry to hear about your frustration, it's the price of being a good artist. Also, don't think that drawing in a stylized way is any easier than drawing realism. They are not seperate things, just different expressions. Your stylized drawing is a good example of that. You didn't use gesture or structure to build your drawing, and it looks flat and stiff. These are the things we learn in realism that carry over to other styles. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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Athul Krishna
Thanks, this helps a lot ☺️
julia pace
Maybe it's not the drawing, but the pressure of homework, or drawing what somebody else tells you to draw rather that drawing for the joy of it. Or maybe it's not a good career choice for you but rather a leisure time thing. Some of my very best classes were taught by professors who made incredible drawings to illustrate their lessons. Maybe they didn't want the pressure of trying to earn a living with art. I became a nurse, so there has never been pressure to perform with my art. (which I hated). Good luck with this - sometimes you feel worse about stuff when you're very tired.
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Athul Krishna
Thank you
Athul Krishna
I've been drawing realistic stuff for a long time now . Rather than likeness I gave more emphasis on making my drawings perfect , but I was not good at it and guess what it made my life miserable. So I've decided to draw stylised characters for a while. I'd Love to hear your thoughts about this sketch Have a nice day
Athul Krishna
Every cell in my body wants to quit drawing. I can't remember why I started drawing in the first place. I'm a college student and I've been drawing for three hours max a day for at least two years and I've improved a lot ,but as I keep going it's getting harder and harder. I don't think I have it in me anymore
Volker Wuyts
I think those are very good. The only thing is that they are a little too detailled for gesture drawings, there are too much muscular shapes. Try to find the flow of the limbs. Some great exercises to transition into the anatomy course are the robo bean and mannequinization. Good luck
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Athul Krishna
Thank you , I'll do my best 😊
Steve Lenze
Hey Athul, These are really nice drawings, the proportions are good and they feel solid. That said, I think these are not pure gesture drawings because you have added anatomy to the contour. That's not to say that they do not have gesture because they do, but gesture drawings start with a line, either an "s" or a "c" shape from top to bottom of the pose. Then that gesture carries into the limbs and so forth. What you have though is nice solid figures. So, I think you should step up to adding some light and shadow to them. Not full on rendering, just a core shadow and some tone to fill in the shadow. I think this will really elevate your drawings and will be a good transition to full rendering when your ready. I did a couple of examples over your drawings. Now, I don't have the reference, so I just made up the shadows based on experience, but I think you will get the point. I think your drawings will look really good like this and hope you give it a try. I hope this was helpful :)
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Athul Krishna
Thank you for your detailed reply😊. I really appreciate it. I’m definitely going to try out your suggestions 
Athul Krishna
These are my recent gesture drawing's . I've been drawing gestures for a while now What should i do next, Am I ready to start learning anatomy ? How can I improve ?
Athul Krishna
I wish I could paint like that 😍. Awesome work (❁´◡`❁)
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Hello!!! I think something that I learned that really helped with my portraits is that the 'white' of the eye is very rarely white. Its often quite a dark tone, and then there might be shadows over the eye from the lids, nose or brows that darken it more. Save your lightest tones for highlights - maybe a tiny dot on the eyeball, or the lids! Keep it up :)
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Athul Krishna
I'll keep that in mind . Thanks for the tip 😁
Hello there! Really nice drawing you got there! I love how you rendered the hair What i think you can work on is to learn the skull structure as it helps to define the shape of the head! And i think you should be braver in choosing a darker value since the grays here still look pretty bright. Like the shadow around his neck could be darker and you can make your character pop out more by making the background value darker Hope this helps!
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Athul Krishna
Thanks for the reply . your right, I was a bit scared to use darker values 😊. Helped a lot
This worked for me. Try Menu > Settings > General > Exceptions Add '' to the exceptions
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Athul Krishna
Ok , thanks ✌️
James Doane
Nice work, @Athul Krishna! I am not sure what style you are going for. Your proportions look very good! My first comment would be to have more contrast. You need darker darks and lighter highlights to keep the painting from feeling flat.
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Athul Krishna
Thanks for the reply . Your right, I'll work on that ,Thanks again ☺️☺️
Athul Krishna
I don't know why, But Avast security is blocking the website . I had to turn my security off in order to log in.
Athul Krishna
Hi😊😊, First time being part of a community , I just started drawing digitally . critiques are well appreciated 😁
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