Jonah Sanders
Jonah Sanders
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Jonah Sanders
Hey guys! When attempting Plein Air, I usually have a really hard time framing the scene. I find it difficult to distill down everything around me into such a small space. Any quick composition skills that might help me get started?
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Jonah Sanders
How valuable to you was sight/size training using the Bargue plates? I know a lot of successful artists who never trained with them. Would you say Bargue drawing was essential to your progression?
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Chris Bodary
For about 6 years I’ve been on my journey to be the best fine artist I can be and eventually teach as well. I have gotten really serious in the last 2 or so and I’ve have been wanting to start some kind of academic classes and have heard a lot about the Watts Atelier. I’m on the East Coast, and my wife and I both work full time and are expecting our 3rd soon 😀. The Watts Atelier online school would be a big financial commitment for us but do you guys feel like it would be something invaluable to an artists growth? I manage to consistently practice for 2-3 hours a day and i can tell I’m improving, just wondering if you would suggest someone like me and my situation to join Watts atelier online. Thank you so much. Ps, Stan, if your watching, Proko has been a big help! You’re the man 👍🏼
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Jonah Sanders
Hi Chris, Maybe look into New Masters Academy. Lot's of great instructors on there like Steve Huston. Definitely would be possible to create your own curriculum using their content
Jonah Sanders
Do you have tips on recreating the Atelier experience at home?
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Jonah Sanders
I have been studying through the Watts Atelier online school for about a year and a half now, and was wondering if you have tips on transitioning over from the charcoal studies, over into painting. It seems extremely daunting!
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Jonah Sanders
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Jonah Sanders
David, What comic book stories have influenced you?
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Jonah Sanders
Hi David! Any quick tips on how to keep inking from looking flat? How do you utilize line weights? Thanks!
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