Green Ethics
Green Ethics
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Green Ethics
Asked for help
I'm going to take the plunge into online art instruction... I've been wracking my brain with the choices... I'm stuck debating Watts atelier of the Arts online Full course $200/month vs Evolve artist $249/ month, materials included... Any feedback appreciated.
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Green Ethics
I am flabbergasted that not one person has comments on this. This is precisely what I find most disappointing with Proko and why I really feel like I wasted my money here. Not that anyone will bother reading this but it makes me feel better having said it. Live and learn as they say. Just not here.
Green Ethics
For anyone interested I'm thinking now that NMA with coaching on the side will be the best option for me. Topic closed.
Green Ethics
 guess I should state my goal of painting whatever subject strikes my interest , be it portrait, landscape, still life, etc. in oil. Focus on Human figure and portraits. I obviously lean toward Watts online yet I fear it's too 'advanced' and not geared toward the fumbling novice that I be. I am very eager to start this education and as it is a costly endeavor I look forward to ANY comments please
Hey guys, here are some of my 2 min gesture drawings. I feel like some of them are slightly stiff, any advice to make them feel a bit more fluid?
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Green Ethics
I'm just a student here but these resemble mannequinization more than gesture to my untrained eyes.
Green Ethics
Don't get overwhelmed by the volume of content. Start with Portrait or Figure Fundamentals, one lesson a week. I believe is the standard attack plan.
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Kristian Nee
Hey! Something that a lot of people do is draw circles, or straight lines. Scott Robertson has a chapter in his books about drawing exercises to get your hand warmed up. I know that @Sinix does spirals of different sizes as well. When it comes to setting aside time for that, I really don't know any pros who do dedicated drawing exercises. I know that they'll spend time occasionally just doodling circles to get warmed up, but when they're dedicating time to art they're generally just doing the art. I asked @Rembert Montald about what he does to practice his drawings, and he'll generally just invent figures from memory. In terms of actual studies to be done as exercises, figure drawing workshops are always great to be doing.
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Green Ethics
@Kristian Nee ..."figure drawing workshops are always great to be doing." can you elaborate on what this is? Do you simply mean going to a live drawing session with model?
Green Ethics
Hello sir. I am a complete beginner on the journey to mastering my creative abilities in drawing the figure. I too am in search of exercises and process. If pencil control is your game check out 'Draw a box' website or Peter Han masterclass 1 on youtube.
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Green Ethics
What makes me go hmmm....? Watching all these videos and draftsmen podcasts and never seeing Marshall actually draw anything!?!
Green Ethics
Has no1 already mentioned THE Master of masters? If I could apprentice for one artist it would be.... STAN PROKOPENKO. Naturally!
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Green Ethics
I am aware Stan and Marshall both feel they have worked this topic to death. I disagree. People continue to struggle with this despite an enormous amount of material available. Something I neglect to see discussed in those videos pertaining to self-education and something I desire and something I hear echoed among many: Structured assignment. I guess without expanding an additional category to your concept it would best fit under 'Feedback'. It is difficult for the first time artist or beginner to come up with good practical ideas of just what to draw and how to approach said project (the focus or mindset. ie modelling, color, composition.. etc.) to get the most out of the experience at a particular stage in their progression. You may say draw anything, draw everything. But that is no good for the beginner. He wants to be told what to do and how to go about it to gain the best results. Keeping in mind the buckets of gemstones from your interview with Flint Dille (mostly the idea of being challenged without becoming overwhelmed) Also keep in mind the art student isn't just learning to draw. He is learning to be creative. I should reword that... He is learning to 'access' his creativity. - James Gurney’s Self-Education Journey - Draftsmen S3E04 (~1:23:00) James Gurney sums it up beautifully. "What a good teacher should probably do.. is come up with a real specific challenge that they are likely to succeed at, but that brings them to a higher level of understanding and then take everything out of the equation that might confuse them too much..." This is something missing from self-education that I see being of great benefit in propelling growth that is available at the art school. This note is designed for Stan and the Proko team but any feedback (esp. where one might find these sorts of lesson assignments) is appreciated. I hope my words make sense of my desire. I know I'm not alone in this.
Green Ethics
Ive been beating trying to beat this into my head for about a year now and can't find the confidence to move forward. I look at others posts here and feel inferior. When do you know you are ready to move on?
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Green Ethics
I really think this site is missing out on this great opportunity. I want the best for Stan, the site and all his team. I hope they will take notice: at least 2 of your colleagues in this art video tutorial business use Discord with success. Force drawing has just added it. I cannot fathom any reason why not to ADD its functionality to this site to create the community atmosphere you desire with Proko 2.0. The BBS or blog or forum model being used here is not adequate in this day and age of real-time, streaming, audio/video simplicity. Thank you.
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