Lee Davis
Lee Davis
Interested in sketching, illustration, digital art, and comics. Long term goal is to publish my own web comic.
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For this project I sketched a pig. There were a couple more reference photos that I used, but I could not relocate them. I did use the photo reference to sketch from observation as I studied the pig. Then, I played around with a couple different ways I would like my character to look on the page. The third photo is my first attempt at drawing from imagination, which I dislike. I did not really try on this sketch, especially on the legs/hoof area of the pig. The fourth photo is a second attempt to draw from imagination, which I like a lot more. I feel that it has more character and interesting shape. I continue to struggle with feet and hands of animals/people, something about the small details get me. I also have trouble with loose sketching still, most of the start of my drawings start with light chicken scratch and it will take practice to develop a new habit. Also, I am still learning to grip my pencil correctly, I have held pencils in an incorrect grip all my life and still find myself doing it sometimes when sketching. Anyone else have this issue?
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Lee Davis
Hi, I can see the progress in your fourth photo as well. It looks good. Some things that help me and I think could help you too, is to always build whatever your drawing with basic shapes and forms first before you do any outlines. I don't quite remember if Stan said that yet, but building the figure out of boxes, spheres, and cylinders etc helps visualize its 3D form a lot and helps you learn to see form instead of just outlines. Don't sweat the small details. It's better to get major things down first anyway, then you can get more detailed. As for the pencil thing, it's not a right or wrong thing. you can hold it however you need to to get the best results. It just helps you use your whole arm more, which is the more important concept I think. Your doing good, hope you keep going!
Lee Davis
I rushed a little so I didn't really do very many studies before doing the sketch from imagination, but here they are. My brain is a little fried this week.
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Finally, a bit caught up. So much to learn!…but overall happy with the attempt. Im sure they as long as we don’t quit on ourselves, whatever our level is, a year from now we will all be able to look back and see how far we have reached. Keep it up everyone!!
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Lee Davis
I like these a lot. These a very accurate in terms of likeness. That's pretty impressive. You seem to be able to observe very well. Did you have to measure a lot? The only critique I would suggest is maybe be less strict on matching the reference exactly and be more playful and intuitive, just to free your mind a little. Maybe don't measure with an object at all and just use your eye. I struggle with that myself. If you're already doing that, I'm impressed!
Lee Davis
might start doing everything digitally. it's just so much easier to get a bright image. it's hard to get good lighting for photos. anyway here's my 3 for the assignment
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Lee Davis
Ok, here's my attempt at level 2. They're both photos of the same drawing, but the lighting ended up a little different in each one and I couldn't decide which one was easier to see so I just included both 😂
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Lee Davis
Did some beans and compared to the video as I went. I don't know if I don't understand Stan's rule about corners and twisting forms overlapping or if he doesn't follow his own rule, but I overlapped forms the opposite way that Stan would do it about 80% of the time. It was getting a little frustrating
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Lee Davis
How would you get started putting out a web comic? What are the basics a noob should make sure they are doing, whether that's art wise or story wise or promotion wise etc, and how would you try to gain a readership? Thanks!
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Kevin Justice
Is it terrible to not hold the pencil the same way as Stan? This is totally foreign to me and between that and trying to draw more from my shoulder, I am losing whatever little accuracy I used to have.
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Lee Davis
I don't think so. There are no rules in art. I think Stan's method is used in the fine at world because it crosses over into painting and because their paper or canvas is vertical in front of them most of the time. I'm interested in comics and I will do pretty much all of that digitally, so it makes very little sense to practice the Stan method for me. Think about your goals and what you want to do and then you can decide what will give you the results you want. If you want to paint traditionally for example, it might be worth taking time to learn this technique. Sometimes it is useful to try new things and get out of our comfort zone, but ultimately I need to use whatever works best for the results I want.
Lee Davis
Already got in on it! I'm super pumped he's working with you guys!
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Lee Davis
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