Aswanth N
Aswanth N
Activity Feed
Another truncated attempt at the bean on both a handful of poses from the demo videos, as well as some poses found on other reference sites (the rest of my attempts are spread out amongst the demos; made the mistake of posting them there rather than here.) I'm still having some trouble figuring out how to determine which oval overlaps the other (though I started to see that it has at least something to do with proximity to the viewer), as well as the path the center line takes in figures with a greater amount of twist to them. As always, any help is appreciated!
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Aswanth N
Looks fun!!! Excited for the coming lessons!!!
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Aswanth N
Hey ,I've tried my best with this project. All critiques are welcomed
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Aswanth N
Hey, I am a 12 year old learning to draw I have given my full efforts into this project. All critiques are welcomed!!
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Aswanth N
I always struggle with propotions this video gave me the answer to fix that mistake. thank you proko for uploading this lesson
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