Ask Me Questions Now!
On Saturday I'll be going live to show you how I would design a Kaiju (giant monster). I'll be taking questions throughout the demo and there might even be a special giveaway during the stream. This is all part of the Vision X Live conference that's going on from July 16th to the 18th.

Can we still ask questions?

Have u already announced the winner

Hugo Peterson
Random question, but, how do artists deal with/prevent wrist pains?
Thanks everyone for asking questions during the stream! The 3 random winners who won an original drawing from Scott today are @Nathan Villar, @hexrainbow, and @Cameron Royce.
Cameron Royce
Hey no way! 😁👏I deleted my question after I realized he’d answered a similar one, so if that changes anything let me know!
This might have been asked already, but what's important in the construction of a Kaiju in order to capture it's size, mass, and overall intimidating look. What's different than just constructing a monster?

Will S.
i was actually thinking about doing ux/ui design but then saw your creatures and tutorials and now iam sticking to creature design..

Whats a good way of getting into industry without experience? With lockdown restrictions a lot of companies aren't offering internships

Idan Nissim
What would your advice be to beginner artists more experienced in drawing using references but struggling in the realms of imaginitive drawing?
Love your work! :)

My biggest questions are:
How do I learn basic shapes.
How do I study to make things look decent.
How do I actually study!!!!!

at the moment I just feel like a somewhat inaccurate printer that sometimes gets things right

How long do you work on an art piece before you take a break? How long are your breaks? And how do you keep yourself from getting burnout?

Are you ever too old to try and get in the business?
I hope not, or I'm learning all this stuff for nothing. Lol
Do you think a lot about the story behind each monster and character while drawing or just go with what looks cooler?

Have you ever worked n Hellboy? You seem like a perfect fit

any tips for craving shapes. Its really hard to understand how do you give them volume. Yet yours looks really volumetric WITHOUT shading. How the helll? And thank you
Nathan Villar
Hi Scott. When it comes to making a piece of art when is the moment that an artist tells themselves that they have to stop and finish the piece, I feel like there is no end to making something, but if we keep adding details, it would be too much or too little.

How would you go about humanizing Kaiju?
Coin Cup
How do you find and stay in touch with other creative people that genuinely want the best for you?
How important is 3D for a concept artist? Especially in the beginning phases when designs are still being worked out. Also, thoughts on Blender in the future of the industry?

Jacob Bruun
I really like your monsters. Bad ass! Do you send the original by real mail or digitally? .... cheers.. a fan

Jacob Bruun
Great I'll pay what is takes - i can't wait to have it it my hands.. I'm a lucky guy!
We'll send it by mail. Free shipping in the U.S. and if it's international we may need to have the winner partially cover the cost or get Scott's Monster Lab course as an alternative prize.
adil dekate
Hi Scott! How can one go about getting in your dream studio?
Also do 2d Animators get hired at game studios to do 2d animation cycles and stuff?

What are your favorite forms to draw from when creating new organism?