value study Critique Welcomed
hello first time posting, im doing value studies starting with just two so i can make better simple shadow shapes before I move on to 3, I'd appreciate any feedback so I can improve! Thank you Edited: Sorry still getting use to website!
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Steve Lenze
Hey cchapman3, The exercise of doing two value sketches is a good one, it helps us to see values as either shadow or light. Now, if you look at your reference again, and squint down your eyes until they are almost closed, you will see only shadow and light. What you did was add light were there wasn't any. It's common for beginners to get confused by reflected light because they don't squint down enough. I took your first image and did a quick sketch to show you what I mean. Also, pay attention to your proportions, which you can do by doing a structural drawing to make sure everything is correct. I hope this helps :)
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Thank you sir, you were a big help! I will keep improving, and hopefully will get good enough to help others myself!
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Critique Welcomed!
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