trying to improve my line
hey i made this post a couple of days ago asking how can i improve my lines: and i received great advice and i tried to use it in this this drawing (mainly slowing down, thinking before putting lines on paper and removing distractions like youtube videos and podcasts.) any critic is welcomed on the lines or anything else
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Steve Lenze
Hey alaa11, I think it's good that you want to improve on your lines, but don't forget to also keep working on your head construction. You need to keep your features and proportions correct before you worry too much about your line quality. I did a quick draw over to show you how you can build the head properly, I hope this helps :)
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wow. thanks so much, guess i was focusing on the wrong thing i will start working on my head construction. thanks again!
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here's another one :
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John Harper
Did you use the overhand or manuscript grip? It looks like you held you pencil as if you were going to write something (manuscript). The reason we only use the manuscript grip for details is that it generally cramps the artists ability to use their arm and shoulder, thereby limiting stroke length and fluidity. It feels awkward at first, and you may notice some muscle tenderness after a long session of gesture drawings. But, teaching your mind/body to use the arm and shoulder WILL help the fluidity of your drawing.
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