Tribal Character Design
Atharva Lotake
Hello, guys I just did this character design for a book that I am working on. They are tribal father and son. The father is the leader of the tribe, he is kind-hearted, sweet, and caring towards his tribe members and Brutal towards his enemies. He loves babies and leads a simple life.
His son on the other hand is also kind-hearted but loves decorating himself and likes combat. He is a more 'out there' kind of a person and is very athletic.
What do you guys think of the designs and do the characters look like their descriptions? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to help me out.
PS I want the color palette to be more on the green side.
This time Im gonna leave the design ,but do your best to present the characters , light them , shade them , do something interesting for the viewer, give the characters some life , expression "character" ,because if you are doing book with this kind a pictures ,am sorry but im losing interest after 3 seconds when i see it. You need stringer fundamentals. I hope I helped you, good luck :)
Thank you so much for the feedback but these are just the first of the concept sketches and are not going into the book but I will surely keep in mind to incorporate your tips into the finished illustrations. Thank you!
That is a sweet family and the characters could be right in an animation film. I like the hairstyles and stripe designs especially!
For your questions: The first thing that caught my eye is the green hue. It looks very artifical, almost glowing. I assume it was supposed to feel more nature like. So I would shift the color palette to more natural tones. A bit more muted yellow greens, blue greens for bigger leafs. Also the red and yellow are bit too saturated for my taste. I personally would try to fnd good reference for these materials and get the saturated colors back in with feathers and accessories.
And if you say the son likes accessory maybe make him wear a lot more than his father, so that is seeable. You could also push the poses a bit even if they are just base concepts for now. The pose of the boy could be more energetic, breat pushed outwrds, maybe hands on hips, big smile. The father could have a hand layed on his sons shoulder to reflect his personality.
Of course these are just some ideas, take what you like, if you like something or not if not :). Greta job on the two!