Recent weird paintings
Yiming Wu
Hey guys!! It's been a while since I logged on Proko XD. Had a bit time today and I think I could share some of my latest digital paintings with you guys. I've been learning from the works of my "art parents" a lot, which helped me figuring out some techniques and I also get to explore more on my world building stuff :D
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Charline B.R.
Long time no see, welcome back :) It's very nice what you share with us today, I must say I have some liking toward the two last. The duo of people standing in front of the light has a very nice suggestion power while being very strong in composition and the last one with water share a very dramatic and suspens action. Love it !
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Yiming Wu
Thank you for the feedback! :D. I'm practising capturing some certain feelings popping up randomly in my head this way :)
Dan B
Hey Yiming! Good to see you here again, I just started again here recently with a bit of painting too. I think the second one here is my favourite, though they are all very unique in the story they tell. The way the characters are standing in the fourth one makes it appear the message is not for one of them (I.e. standing apart rather than embracing in any way), adds intrigue, like it’s a forgotten moment discovered. Minor critiques: The second pic could probably do with further reduced contrast on the distant buildings between lit and shaded sides to capture the atmospheric perspective. I feel the third pic could use a slightly warmer light on the front of the soldiers as the miniguns are throwing warm light. In the 5th one the guy in the dingy has a very long upper left arm…. Also are the numbers in water supposed to be on an object or under the water or just floating there? Hard to tell what it relates to. The fluorescent lights in the background also don’t seem to be reflecting off the water. Minor things though, only the long arm really stood out without a long look.
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Yiming Wu
Thank you Dan for the comment :D I'm trying to incorporate stories/scenarios into those images so it doesn't look like just a plain design thing or a structural drawing. The low contrast thing, yeah. I didn't really realized it's "still not enough" after I painted it. It could use a bit more dulled down contrast to make the atmosphere. The warm light in the third... Yeah I think it could use a bit more warm light from the front. I'm still kinda struggling with the exposure of lights, I think with a bit more effort I can make the temperature correct. The long arm in the last XD yeah, I think I may have shifted from the original sketch because I kinda painted over it, so it became a bit inaccurate. I just went back and checked the sketch and the original is still a bit long because of the placement of the handle is not quite accurate on the sketch. The light reflection does seem to need a bit more attention. I think I increased the brightness of the wall mid-way and I think that's why it doesn't match the intensity in the water. The numbers? lol I guess you meant the orange ones they are there to imitate the film date effect.
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