Looking for critique on this portrait
Hello, Are the values correct? and some tips on the clothing please
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Steve Lenze
Hey desmond68, Nice (creepy)(I hope it isn't a relative) portrait. You controlled your values pretty well, but as mentioned, there are areas that could use some darker values and contrast. What I did notice is that you lost some of the structure of the body. also, by drawing a center line, it would help you make sure you are lining things up on the jacket properly. You also want to make sure you pay close attention to the distances between the different features of the face. You have his face narrowing at the bottom, but it is actually pretty square. Also the distance between the nose and the mouth and the chin, and the width of the mouth. I did a quick diagram to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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No, it's not a relative, It's john brown, Thanks for the critique!
Anthony Damazyn
The only suggestion I have is darkening the left side of his coat. When I squint his hair looks a shade darker than the coat and in your reference they are the same value. Unfortunately I'm not well versed in clothing yet but the folds look accurate. I would say to soften the contrast maybe. As a composition those folds are asking for my attention when I think the attention needs to be the face since it's a portrait. That being said I think this portrait looks great! Your values in the face are great and I can read the form clearly.
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