I bit more perspective Practice.
Matthew Manghi
Simple 2 point perspective drawing I did for practice. I like the little cabin though. :)
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It looks really good. One thing to keep in mind is the thatch roof would likely be thicker and we'd be seeing the side of it from this angle. Especially the front half of the roof looks fairly flat.
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Amanda Rutledge
Nice, love the clean look to it
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Matthew Manghi
Izak van Langevelde
Looking good! The door is a little wide, though.
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Anubhav Saini
Can you please tell me what you find weird in the door
dwarfon tree
That drawing is so adorable, damn :D.
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Looks really, really cool. Can imagine this will look awesome when coloured. I love the quality of your lines. Things look very sculptural. One note, I think perhaps the wood box on the left side would totally be in shadow. Also the path leading into it, but I am being a little picky. This is a cute house and I also like the stylized trees. Thick lines come to the front, thin lines fade. Perhaps make the lines in the back a little thinner, and darken / soften the back tree to suggest some atmospheric perspective and depth? Well done, keep it up.
Matthew Manghi
Alec Brubaker
Looks great, spot-on perspective!
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Matthew Manghi
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