Hands Study
Hello, I just want to some feedback about some exercises that I did. I’m really confused about how and what shading techniques to use to make it more convincing. I know there’s a lot room for improvement so let me know.
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Steve Lenze
Hey asahi, Nice hand drawings, especially the fist. Your shading is a little all over the place, so I thought I would give you some pointers. First of all there are form shadows, which are soft edged and give a shape form. Then there are cast shadows, which are hard edged for the most part and show one form blocking the light from falling on another from. These drawings have both, but you are treating them as the same, that's why your shading doesn't look convincing. I did a quick painting to show you what I'm talking about, I hope it helps :)
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First of all, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to point out my errors and do as far as doing a sketch. I appreciate the effort you put in just to give me a lot of pointers. I learned a "handful" from you and I am ecstatic to use this newly acquired knowledge for my next daily sketch! I hope others with the same problem see this comment and learn from it!
Nice studies! Hands are very hard to do, so you have my respect :). I think the second fist looks the best. It could be a bit improved in terms of value. Notice how the bottom part of the thumb/ palm is a bit darker. For the open hand, it has some proportion issues. If you overlay your drawing over the photo and make it transparent in a program like photoshop or photopea you can see the difference. Also there is an issue with the shadow in the middle of the hand. You've made the edges of the shadow darker then the shadow itself. Notice in the photo that the shadow gets lighter around the edges. Hope this helps!
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Thank you! I'll definitely take note of my errors and practice. I didn't think that I can just do that, that is importing my drawings to Ps for correction! I'll definitely use it next time. I'll have to thank you once again for your guidance and Good luck!
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