Gesture Drawings Critique Wanted
Samuel Armstrong
I have started going through the Proko gesture course and I am looking for some critique on my early gesture drawings. I would like to know what I am doing right, wrong, what could be improved, and any suggestions on how to go about doing that. Don't be afraid to really tear into them, I really want to get better.
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Vincentius Sesarius
They're marvelous! It's a great start, and I really like the flows, the curves and all that. Gesture wise, they're perfect. So now, I will suggest you to pick several of them that you really like, and then turn them into longer session drawing. With longer session, you will have more time to incorporate some form, shadows, and a bit of details onto your work. This process will introduce you to how to turn those beautiful gesture, into an actual figure drawing.
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Samuel Armstrong
Thank you! I will start to move onto longer session drawings!
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Samuel Armstrong, you´re doing so well with these! I can´t find anything to critique! I´m sorry XD. If you´ve just started your drawing journey you might want to read this post (scroll down to the first post and look at my reply. Under the headline STRUGGLES). I started taking the figure drawing course 4 &1/2 years ago, and that post gives guidance in some of the struggles I faced along the way. Keep in mind that it´s written for that specific student and that it´s just advice based on my personal experience. But hopefully it could be of some help to you. Continue to play around with gesture quicksketches and enjoy the exercise! Pretty soon you´ll want to move on to the bean. I hope this helps :)
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Samuel Armstrong
Thank you so much! I read your post and I has great advice in it! I am feeling inspired to continue drawing. I especially appreciated your advice for struggles and obsession. Often I feel that I am trying to learn too fast or am too hard myself and therefore don't enjoy the process of drawing/learning to draw.
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