Egg shading feedback
Shaded two eggs after watching Dorian Iten’s shading video. After doing the first one (top left), I felt that the mid tone was too dirty and dark. That forced me darken the core shadow and bounced light region. I felt I like I was overworking it. The second one went a little smoother and I consciously tried to avoid making the mid tone too dark. But now that I look at it, maybe the mid tone isn’t dark enough?? I also looked at Dorian‘s drawing afterwards and found that his core shadow shape is much more sophisticated and communicates more form. What do you guys think?
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Steve Lenze
This is a good start, keep practicing this egg exercise using different lighting and angles. I think the bottom one looks pretty good and probably looks more successful because you added some background value, thus making the values of the egg look less dark, which is the problem you ran into with the first egg. The white of the paper makes us think everything looks too dark, but if you compare the two eggs, the values look pretty much the same.
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