Billy Wemner
Billy Wemner
Drawing to learn
Billy Wemner
Hey Stan and Marshall, I have loved listening to your podcast both before and throughout the pandemic. I had a question about practice, and more specifically balancing the pursuit of art alongside other parallel interests. In my experience, I tend to either be working on my music, or my drawing with my spare time, but typically not both simultaneously. Neither art nor music are intended to be a future career for me, but I get the greatest satisfaction and improvement when I act as if they were. I find that alternating between these interests is very productive for my development, as I often use the plateau in one skill as a jumping off point into the other, and I always come back more sensitive to my habits and approaches. I’m wondering if you think this kind of artistic cross training has merit, or if it is one big juicy rationalization for my dabbling.  Once again, love the podcast, it has been the most supportive resource that I have found to date.  Best, Billy
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Billy Wemner
Asked for help
Perspective practice. Critiques would be appreciated.
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Mark Manthorpe
Second attempt this evening giving myself the same amount of time as the livestream (around three hours) started at 3AM BST, did what I could until 6AM. Tried doing the best I could, not confident with the features but I am curious to know what others think. 🙂
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Billy Wemner
Overall structure is very solid. Looking at your other drawings it is clear you have worked a great deal on your perspective. In this piece I wonder that you could soften the edges of your shadow shapes and flesh out the overall contrast of the image with half tones and darker core shadows. Really great work!
Billy Wemner
Watched the livestream but couldn’t draw along. Drew this In the evening, but ended up rushing through the rendering (not what I saw Stephen doing in the livestream haha). Would love some critique on the hits and misses of it
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Billy Wemner
Asked for help
Hello! I'm so excited for the new Proko 2.0! I have been sharing my portraits on the Facebook group for the past few months. I wanted to post them here all together with the hope of getting some input on the overall progression of my portraiture. I think some areas I am clearly improving, but there feels like some aspects of the skill that are standing still more than others. Would love a general critique of my progress so far. The first portrait was done on February 17th 2021, and the last was done May 3rd 2021. Can't wait to learn on this new platform!
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