Aiba Miller
Aiba Miller
Aiba Miller
I rarely draw for myself, basically 90% of my art is just study. When I feel in a rut, just scribbling away aimlessly reminds me that I AM learning, and it also shows me my weaknesses in imagination. Really it reveals a lot of wear I lack in fashion design, honestly it's very weak, but I don't think my fundamentals are strong enough to focus on something like that yet. Also a completely generic unreferenced sword because I think big swords are cool, could have benefit from a bit of reference, ahaha.
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Aiba Miller
oh boy, I feel like my gestures suddenly got worse, that's worrisome. Suddenly too self-conscious about them maybe, I hope that this negativity doesn't stick. Somehow 2 minutes suddenly isn't enough and I can barely get anything done, this was never a problem before, just can't let it get to me.
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Aiba Miller
I know he said don't get stressed out, but I get stress as heck when I can't figure something out, because then suddenly it feels like I'm lost and don't know what to do or where to go, I hope I can get some enlightenment. I can actually draw hands quite okay without construction, but this just breaks me apart and it looks terrible. It took me like 2 hours, following gesture (which I feel like I can't do well in hands by themselves) I just see so many proportion issues, which is annoying because I measured and used rhythms, perhaps too much, which I really DIDN'T want to do. I suppose there's nothing for it but to keep doing these, should probably just copy Proko's ones first instead of going out of the gate on my own. After I was done, I overlayed mine onto the original, the fingers were quite close, but originally the palm was too small, I just realigned it and it looked much better, but still a lot of issues, I'm sure.
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Arman Jucutan
Asked for help
Are we supposed to eyeball the colours for the assignment or should we be utilizing the eyedropper tool throughout?
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Aiba Miller
Before you've learnt to identify colour intuitively, you'll probably have to colour pick, nothing wrong with that, but use it as a way to learn, much the way I did. Just look at the colour, try to guess where it is on the colour wheel, select it as close as you can, then paint a swatch of it on the canvas, then pick and place the real colour beside it, compare, and identify why you were off. Saturation? Local colour?
Aiba Miller
I was recommended to do some 10 second gestures. I should keep them going. I wasn't sure it would be very feasible for me starting out, but it got comfortable quick and started to flow pretty good. Give me any harsh critique or advice you can, because sometimes I'm not sure if I'm getting much out of it, I'd love some advice.
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Aiba Miller
Asked for help
I have a lot of trouble with shadows it seems and a lot on the blending side. I'm not really a big fan of blending tools, I've always loved the painterly look, so I'll learn to blend using just the brush if I can, but blurry transitions I can't quite figure out yet. Another thing, I've always painted these things just from solid blocks of colour, but I end up having proportion issues, it's probably in best practice to actually sketch the objects first, that's a bad habit that I never grew out of. (I'll be doing a few of the others, like Dobby and Weird Shapes, but I'll sketch them myself.)
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Aiba Miller
Not the best figure, but I do need to brush up and really internalize all the landmarks.
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Aiba Miller
Just following Marshall's example because I have no idea how to actually do any of it on my own. BUT! Will be a good exercise to construct later ones on my own for practice. Face is me thinking of how I would figure it out.
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Aiba Miller
Came here from being in the middle of all my other studies, honestly, the two videos and the talk around rhythms made it so much easier to understand than the gesture course, these would have been fantastic to have right at the beginning. So many aha moments.
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Aiba Miller
Still got a lot to work on with composition and all that, but this was nice to get scribbled out, I've barely drawn animals ever, so it was interesting. Hope we colour them down the line. Asian Vine Snake Walrus Red Fox ALSO OWL! I didn't write that on there.
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Aiba Miller
Did a few of them and one of my own that I found on Pinterest for the final. No colour picker used, just visual. It's one of those unfortunate things where I find I can mostly with a little effort, translate visual to canvas, but none of this ability carries over to imagination. Like I have almost no painting ability at all without a direct reference. Hopefully this course will illuminate this further for me!
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Aiba Miller
I like the bean, it makes it easy to visualize the body. I just hope it helps carry over in some way to full figures.
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Aiba Miller
30s in red, 2 min in blue. Didn't realize how awkwardly rusty I was, I would love some real strong criticism, don't be shy. The more it hurts, the more I can learn from it. Sometimes I have a lot of trouble creating strong flow and lines in my figures. I spend about 30 seconds on each one constructing it in my head before I start.
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Aiba Miller
A nice cactus! First time I feel like I've done a proper colour study. I've done things like this before, but generally with colour picking. No picking this time, aside from the canvas itself occasionally. I didn't push the colours too much I think, but definitely a bit more outside of the ref range with the shadows. I need to build confidence, since I always start and think "where do I even go with this?". I would love critiques, the more negative the better! Positive reinforcement is nice, but I'd love help with improvement, I feel in a rut sometimes. What do I analyze, what do I do differently next time? Guess I'll just keep going and it will eventually work out.
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Aiba Miller
These are things I intuitively knew from immersion, but it's nice to have it broken down just a little bit further.
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Aiba Miller
Landscapes with Noah Bradley. Thumbnails, value, landscapes, all something I have sorely lacked practice in. I'm so slow with my art these days, it feels like I have no time to draw anything but study subjects.
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Aiba Miller
I scribbling along while watching, it's warmups I realized I miss doing. Relaxing.
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Aiba Miller
Gave it my first go with red and cyan, since I've painted a lot like this before, but I've never been the best with colour or environments. I tend to give up long before they're really cleaned up or fully finished, but I am happy enough with this! I like the ominous feel.
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Aiba Miller
About 7 hours, maybe 6 if I cut AFK moments from it. I recorded my whole process this time, nothing special. I still struggle a lot with small details but I am starting to really like the double sided brush. Near the end I ended up switching to the non textured solid double brush and it immediately made detailing so much easier. I don't know what it is with the first double bristle brush, but it loses a lot of coherence at small sizes, like the texture overrides it, still had a bit of trouble even at 3000+ pixels. I could definitely use a lot of face work too, might need to go over that course again. Hmm, surprisingly having more difficulty with faces than hands.
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Aiba Miller
Phew... Might have been about 10 hours I think? I've done a bit of digital painting over the years but never down to the fundamentals where I can do it without someone guiding me. Hopefully through this course I'll gain a bit of confidence and hopefully some speed as well. Being slow is my biggest crutch. Also need to figure out how to effectively do those small details. I wracked my brain trying to find that gritty brush you were using because I really liked it. Ended up just locking a grass texture on everything. I just want to be good with value and colour finally... TToTT, what good is drawing a figure if you can't make it look nice, y'know? Proud of myself for doing it though! I always feel like I'm running out of time, so doing this feels good, just gotta... speed up.
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