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Hi folks! This is today's drawing practice. I just started the anatomy series with the type joint. What do you think? :)))
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Hello there! This is today exercise. Let me know what you think of it. I'm trying to incorporate shadow mapping in the gesture drawing.
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This is today practice for the shadow mapping. Difficult but fun :))) Any comment is appreciated. Have a nice practice day!
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This is today practice for the shadow mapping. Difficult but fun :))) Any comment is appreciated. Have a nice practice day!
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Hello there proko peeps :))) This is another exercise on the basics of shading. I see it as an improvement with regard to the shadow hierarchy, but the reflected light doesn't convince me in this one. The photo has a very strong bounced light from the table. Any suggestions on how can I capture it more properly is welcome.
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Thanks to @Jesper Axelsson for his feedback on shading! This drawing is the result of the feedback. Any further comment is appreciated :)))
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Hi people! These are my some studies for shading. I can separate the light and shadow, but the volume it's not quite there yet. I think it's because the value hierarchy is not well established. Anyway, what are your thoughts?
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Hello there people! I hope you're having a great day. This are some daily studies for the mannequin lesson. I see now that the connection between torso and pelvis is not quit right so I'll be more carefull. Any feedback is appreciated!
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New studies today! I revisited the mannequin exercise and a bit of shading :)))
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Hi there proko peeps! I want to make a new habit and post regularly my studies. The following sketches were made in 50 min. Some are from photos and some frome imagination. I'll let you guess ;)))
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