Taylor Bankson
Taylor Bankson
Activity Feed
Taylor Bankson
OK. I have had a very hard time with gesture. My gut feeling is these are better than my last post. I know they are not finished and I would appreciate some pointers. This exercise has really done a number on my self esteem and desire to draw. I'd like to move on to something else and come back to this later, if I'm reasonably ready to do so.
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Laura Estrada
Here's an attempt halfway between gesture and mannequinization. :) Do you think these are effective?
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Taylor Bankson
The motion is really clear in most of these. For the most part I like them. The one in the top right looks a little indistinct to me- It's far less obvious what the arm is doing relative to your other drawings. Thank you for sharing!
Taylor Bankson
Hey y'all. Struggling significantly with gestures. These were 45 second gestures from this movement: https://www.bodiesinmotion.photo/motions/1813/fullscreen?index=0 Some I ran out of time, one I took a second stab at I would deeply appreciate some guidance on what I'm not seeing or doing. It feels like as soon as I start drawing with the timer, I have no idea what I'm doing again
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