Ashley Montague
Ashley Montague
I drew for years but never honed my skills. This is an opportunity to do so and I want to give this my all.
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Ashley Montague
Heres my attempt. I did this digitally. Rather my printer broke and was too impatient to go to a store and print it there lol.
Ashley Montague
Stan Prokopenko
If you guys want more more my inspirations, I have my @ProkoTV IG account where I frequently post art I like. Lately I've been posting a lot of short videos from lessons, so if you scroll past all that, you'll see a lot more curated art.
Ashley Montague
Thank you lots!
Ashley Montague
Heres my before and afters. Of course I struggled with the hand. Starting to understand the concept of sketching. I erase mistakes here and there to adjust but hopefully I'll get used to the idea of placing things in the right area, with angles and such. Before Left - After Right
Ashley Montague
Heres my attempt with slapping together images. I did one in digital and followed up on paper. I did struggle a little bit in drawing it again on paper but managed to get it done in the end. This is the result.
Ashley Montague
Heres my before's. The VR-Girl one was a bit difficult as well as the hand. Need more practice on those subjects. The cute penguin wasn't too bad.
Ashley Montague
Heres my before and afters. I think I over think the drawing and I tend to erase a lot. Before left - After right:
Ashley Montague
Here are my before and after images. The shoes were tough to do second time around. The snail became easier to do after. Before is left and after is right:
Ashley Montague
Heres my work before seeing the demo. I struggled with the snail and the skull boy the most to be honest. Anatomy is not my strong suit 'yet'. Need to get that course when I get the chance. But hoping for some tips on how to improve. Thank you lots. Enjoy!
Ashley Montague
Here's some warm ups. Figured I do some extra stuff like flowers and happy mushrooms.
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