Shahram Delfani
Shahram Delfani
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew... I chose someone (my uncle) as a model and finished his portrait. I'd be happy if you give your comments and suggestions on this case. Thanks.
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew I am making a portrait. I want to use all the skills you taught me. In other words, I want to put muscles, fat, neck, ears, eyes, mouth, hair, etc. on the skull I made before. I will definitely send photos of the progress of my work. I will be happy if you guide me. Thank You.
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew I will be grateful if you have any suggestions to improve me. thanks
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew I will be happy if you have any criticism or suggestion thanks
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew To make the nose, I chose to use a plaster model. But as It is clear that the tip of the nose is different from the original model. Should this be considered a problem? Thanks
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew I have used both the plaster model and what you taught me to make the eyes.
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Shahram Delfani
Dear Andrew This is the skull I made based on your training. I'd love to know your thoughts on it. Thanks.
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