Sarah Anna
Sarah Anna
I would like to find some friends and share my passion for drawing with them.
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Sarah Anna
You are absolutely right. I had to watch it, after i saw this incredible art style. And the Story is nice too. Can't wait for the fourth episode. By the way, nice drawing.
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Sarah Anna
They all look very stiff. I would work on this.
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Sarah Anna
Wow. That is so wonderful. I really like it.
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Sonja Müller
As promised I did some more variations of the Army of Gobbling Apples. I wanted to post it as reply of my first post, but I am not able to find it. I also can't remember if I posted it under assignments or comments. Is there one place where we can see all the comments related to this course? Anyways sorry for double posting, I include the old ones, so everything is together. Also I will continue brainstorming about the Cute Eye Monster until the next lesson. Looking forward to the upcoming episode :D
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Sarah Anna
I'm not part of this course, but i really like your apples and follow your prozess. It's so interesting, what you guys make.
Sarah Anna
It looks nice when it's small scaled. But when I´m looking at it in a bigger skaling, i noticed that you only using soft edges. It looks blurred. Try to use some harder edges.
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Sarah Anna
While Proko painted him, I drew him. The proportions are a bit off, but I like it anyway. My brother gave me 8/10. What do you think?
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J.M. Johnson
Hey Proko. Ever since I've started drawing all I want to do is find an amazing artist to have a Master/Padawan situation with and just follow them around learning everything from them. Have you heard of artists taking on a protege like this? I assume if it does happen it happens naturally but if not, how do you recommend someone approaches someone they want to learn from like this?
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Sarah Anna
There is a very interesting Video about Mentorship on their channel.
Sarah Anna
What do you think is the most effective way to study color? Any tips or advices?
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Sarah Anna
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Kadin Lane
Any feedback or critique is welcome! Except from Doctor Distorto, that fiend!
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Sarah Anna
XD The only thing I have to criticize is that the muscles appear flat in the second picture. I think the roundness of the ribcage would influence their form a bit more on this angle.
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