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Asked for help
Posting to document my progress with figure drawing, 1 year gap between the two photos. Still looking to improve and receive feedback.
I just started this course a few days ago and tried some 2 minute gesture sketches. I would appreciate any feedback or criticism on my work so far.
Hi, just wanted to give my thoughts. I find it easier to cut references in half in my head and start that way. That helps with proportions. And try to avoid () types of shapes. The snowman effect is strong. Keep those shapes moving. Think of water inside your shapes not having to turn too tightly unless there is a lot of tension. (You can download the image, it is high resolution)
Hey there! It seems like you improved greatly connecting lines together to maximize the flow of the figure, so great job :) I would say that right now it's starting to steer a bit more noodle-y, so bringing back some structure can help. A way you can do this is looking for a balance between straights and curves throughout the figure. Usually where one area curves more, there will be an opposite or nearby straight edge, and finding this will help counterbalance your drawing. I would also say to watch out that the bottom half of your figure doesn't get too small, so a good rule of thumb is that the legs + pelvis are about the same length as the torso + head.