Jan Beumer
Jan Beumer
Activity Feed
Jan Beumer
Here are my level two sketches. I started with the sloths Then wanted to create a more imaginative character, and so was born Fabio, the lion.
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Jan Beumer
Tried to keep things simple and use more loose gestural lines. I may have gotten sucked into the detail too much on the VR girl. Let me know what you guys think.
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Jan Beumer
A few head studies from the past few days that I wasn’t able to post.
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Jan Beumer
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Jan Beumer
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Jan Beumer
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Going to try to use less lines next time. I’ll see that I’ve drawn the wrong line then go back over it several times to make it look how I want. But I’m proud of myself cause I wouldn’t have been able to draw this a month ago.
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Jan Beumer
Awesome! That’s what’s important, that you are better now than you were before. I don’t think any artist will ever be perfectly happy with any drawing. There is always something to improve. Enjoy the journey. You have the right attitude. Keep up the great work!
Jan Beumer
Here are my lvl 2 drawings. Any critique is welcome. I haven’t had time to watch any of the the demos yet, so these are pre demo.
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Jan Beumer
I drew this when I had a little time on my flight yesterday.
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Jan Beumer
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