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60-90 sec gestures. The timer helps me focus on the most important things and not get distracted by all the details and anatomy. Please let me know what specific things I could do better. Thanks!
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ref image #2! These take me a while. There’s getting somewhat accurate proportions. Orienting the boxes (which plane is showing more), ensuring lines converge properly. and then there’s trying to clean it up to make my marks look presentable. most difficult part though is using imagination to describe a soft, pliable hand with rigid boxes. i could have made the big thumb bone a bigger, fatter box.
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Gergely Vörös
I really like doing these master studies, so I made some more. This time I chose the animated short Sisyphus by Marcell Jankovics. This animation is just amazing. Incredible lines in every frame. Studying his work was a great experience.
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Interesting choice of study! Love how they turned out!
already looking fantastic at this stage! did you use a grid to ensure accurate scaling from the original?
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Revisiting this assignment. Did these from the assigned reference photos. they cam out better than when I first did the assignment. I didn’t give myself a time limit, I focused on making interesting shapes, accentuating pinches and bends, and making things asymmetrical. overlapping lines definitely make the seals have more depth but I may have overdone it at times. line quality also is crucial to make these look pleasing.
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A little busy today, will attempt the other two hands a little later. I definitely missed the side plane of the palm block. I may try disconnecting the fingwr segments like everyone else here to show more planes on my next ones.
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After Bernie Wrightson. Looks like he’s using a combination of a brush as well as a nib with ink. He is using hatch lines for shading as well as areas of solid black ink. In other areas he thickened his hatch lines by hatching over them. I did my best rendition of it. His hatch line lengths have better variation of lengths. I’m not very good at adding highlighted strands of hair. I cut a clickable tombow eraser to a point and tried to make thin strands but it was difficult. I think I may need press with more pressure.
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Heh my use of the x-trick on a minecraft character. Enjoyed more than I thought I would. Used a ruler to double check my angles whenever things started looking weird. 2 vanishing points near edges of sketchbook.
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Revisiting the level 2 of this project. I placed a stuffed giraffe on top of my printer, which happened to be in front of a poster on the wall. I also placed a tub of lotion in front of a giraffe. I wanted the giraffe to be my subject and the light source to be becoming from above and left. For the side of the giraffe that I imagined in shadow I used dark thick lines. For the parts of the giraffe bathed in light, I would make the lines thinner and lighter in value. The tub of lotion presented a challenge. I knew it was in front of the giraffe so therefore I had to indicate depth but it wasn’t as important as the giraffe. Therefore, I used a slightly thick line, but not as dark as the shadow side of the giraffe. The printer and the poster are of very little importance in this picture. Therefore, I used a very light value and simply made the corner facing us thicker. I also did my best to indicate ambient occlusion where light could not seep in. please let me know your comments, concerns, critiques, criticism! Thanks!
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Hi! Here's some of the gestures I did for the lesson. These are the better ones I drew in the batch.
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Love the action and balance in these!
Level 2. Felt that my 3d boxes were fairly accurate, but struggled a little on facial features. Please let me know what I can work on. Thanks!
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Level 1. Took me a few, tries to get the hang of it. It helped for me to define exactly where each plane ended and started. I’m guessing different artists probably have different definitions of where these planes cut off. As for the features, I used one horizontal line for the brow, another horizontal line for around the tip of the nose, and then one through the mouth. Tilted heads were hard until I flipped them to an orthogonal view in my head, then became just another box . I did use some curves and tapering lines just to show more realistic head look. Please let me know if you find any mistakes or errors!
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A few more gestural studies off other artists, hope it feels gestural and not just a copy!
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Found my own references for this attempt. Gave credit where I could two images did not have the artist listed. Just trying to capture the dynamic shapes the artists used. Not copying the references, but slightly exaggerating the shapes.
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Dynamic shape/gestural studies. Tried to give credit to the artist, but there were two images off of Pinterest that did not have credits to the original artist. Having a fun time, just trying to break down the shaped design of the Various Artists and capturing an overall pose. The Dratini essentially became a seal study. Lol. To reiterate what Proko has said over and over, it’s essential to find things that I’m interested in drawing and applying it to the projects assigned.
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Another attempt here. Worms eye view of a generic looking library. I I tried not to use a ruler in some places, but there are other places. I definitely did use a ruler. No reference used. Would like to add complexity and more interesting details in the future.
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First picture is my warm-up. Second is a hand drawn picture using no ruler. I have to work on my warm-up exercises as my straight line precision was a little off. I also went over them quite a few times, making them kind of dark and messy. The third picture is done on Procreate. I did not use a grid, but I did use the straighten line function. Overall, I’d like to increase my confidence in stroking long straight lines across page and having a clear vision in my head, what different horizon lines and different vanishing points would look like before I put pencil to paper.
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This was my best one from this morning. I think what I realized was that this particular exercise is simply to identify, create, design, big flow rhythms that capture the pose in as few strokes as possible. All other pre-existing knowledge of anatomy Would actually slow me down at this stage. I tried to connect the flow of the arm all the way through the torso and into the outer curve of the leg.
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Also, it definitely helps if your hand and arm are warmed up so that your lines and curves also echo that energy of the pose. I tried to use as many tapering and dynamic strokes as possible.
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A few more from procreate. Will have to try timing myself in the future to avoid working too long on one pose
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Liked some of these. Will have to work on avoiding chicken scratches and ghosting before laying lines.
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